Confusion About Display and Screen

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Confusion About Display and Screen

Hello everyone,

For my applications I like to open a GUI component which allows the user to select the settings with which the windows and graphics will be initialized - here's a screenshot of the toolkit working with AWT. Ideally I would like to do this with Newt as well, so that I can customize the settings for the Window and parameters for the GLCapabilities object before the application starts in a convenient way. I would like to get a list of all available displays and screens using the Jogamp API, but I believe that the concept of a Display and a Screen is different from what they are in the Java API. Using the Java API, I can use GraphicsEnvironment.getScreenDevices() and GraphicsDevice.getDisplayMode() to list all of the available configuration options. However, the Jogamp API allows for the creation of Displays and Screens using the NewtFactory, which is leaving me very confused: Screen.getAllScreens() and Display.getAllDisplays() only returns those Screens and Displays which have been created using the NewtFactory. How would I get a list of the supported Display configurations (supported bit depth, refresh rate, etc., as shown in the screenshot) and graphics devices which already exist, as I do using the Java AWT API?

Thank you very much for your help!

Edit: If you think the source for the GUI component which does this would be useful, I'd be glad to release it and write some documentation.