Rendering deformed hill using jogl primitives?

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Rendering deformed hill using jogl primitives?

Can anyone guide me how to draw a deformed hill using jogl primitives? I can use for drawing it triangles and quads or triangle strips, but I have no idea what parameters to give in order to draw it. Can someone guide me please?
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Re: Rendering deformed hill using jogl primitives?


Isn't your deformed hill composed of triangles?
Julien Gouesse | Personal blog | Website
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Re: Rendering deformed hill using jogl primitives?

Hi, yes it is also ok. But I don't have any idea the vertex order etc any advise please?
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Re: Rendering deformed hill using jogl primitives?

JOGL is a pretty low-level API, almost direct calls to OpenGL wich is a quite hard API to use. Maybe you will have better progress using a games framework that usually have code for doing operations like displaying a height-field.
Personally I like jMonekyEngine ( or Ardor3D (
Even if you do not use those libraries you can look at their source code to learn how they do for displaying a height field.
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Re: Rendering deformed hill using jogl primitives?

I have to use only jogl
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Re: Rendering deformed hill using jogl primitives?

In reply to this post by falcon_intel
Given the 3 vertices of a triangle, computing the surface normal will tell you in which direction the triangle is facing (clockwise or counter clockwise) and the initial value of glFrontFace is GL_CCW. If you don't enable the back face culling (GL_CULL_FACE), both faces will be visible.

You can use the example of code I posted on Wikipedia if you want:

Then, compute the triangles and replace the quads by your triangles. After that, replace the code using immediate mode (glBegin(), glEnd(), ...) by some code using the retained mode (VBOs). You can look at the project jogl-demos, especially the examples in the OpenGL Red Book ported to JOGL.

Edit.: Your triangles must be in the view frustum to be visible. Carefully set the projection matrix and the model-view matrix.
Julien Gouesse | Personal blog | Website