jdk1.7_u51 applet/webstart security changes

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jdk1.7_u51 applet/webstart security changes

I don't know if this has an impact on the demo applets and so on but I remember there has been some discussions on these forums about applet signing. If I read the link correctly the default security in JDK will exclude self signed certificates.


* Code signatures from a trusted authority. All code for Applets and Web Start applications must be signed.
* Permissions – Introduced in 7u25, and required as of 7u51. Indicates if the RIA should run within the sandbox or require full-permissions.
* Codebase – Introduced in 7u25 and optional/encouraged as of 7u51. Points to the known location of the hosted code (e.g. intranet.example.com).
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Re: jdk1.7_u51 applet/webstart security changes


It's already there. It's no longer possible to run my game that uses a self-signed certificate. The sandbox is quite useless now as even a sandboxed application must be signed with a "trusted" certificate. Moreover, time stamping JARs is now recommended (otherwise you get a warning). Oracle Java is becoming very difficult to use in production, there have been so many changes the last 6 months, they affect LiveConnect too, it's a nightmare.
Julien Gouesse | Personal blog | Website
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Re: jdk1.7_u51 applet/webstart security changes

In reply to this post by jmaasing

Unlike what is indicated in the documentation, don't remove the security markup from your JNLP file otherwise Java Webstart will fail to load any native library.
Julien Gouesse | Personal blog | Website