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Re: Re: Access to

Bernhard Kilger
I did not intend to blame you at all. And at last, after some work of trial and error, I succeeded binding JOGL under Windows 7 and Windows 10 Bit 32 and 64. Indeed, if there are rests of older JOGL versions, installing may become a nightmare. But now it's done. Thank you for your patience!
Bernhard Kilger

Am 22.04.2019 um 21:11 schrieb gouessej [via jogamp]:
Bernhard Kilger wrote
But it was a lot of work, because half the references to the OpenGL classes didn't match any more (for example GL2 instead of GL, and so on). It was a rather desperate work, like poking in a haystack! But now I'm ready again using Windows 64 Bit.
We're not to blame. You initially used JOGL 1 which was obsolete and unmaintained since about 2010. If you had asked for help here, I would have helped you, I ported tons of source code from JOGL 1 to JOGL 2.

Bernhard Kilger wrote
On the other hand, I have got the equivalent problem trying the same on my second PC, here working with 32 Bit Windows. It seems to be impossible to establish the right JOGL libraries and jar's. The compiler runs without errors, but the execution leads to ClassLoader problems, for instance concerning WriteClonable in the display section, among others.
It would be nice, if I could get a reliable step by step instruction to run the correct binding of JOGL, based an the actual Java version 8.211.
I advise you to clean up the mess on your machine to avoid any conflict and to use jogamp-fat.jar to make it simple and less error prone for you. Are you sure that you don't mix JOGL 1 and JOGL 2? Please post the complete stack trace.
Julien Gouesse | Personal blog | Website

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Re: Re: Access to

Wade Walker
I'm glad to hear that it works! :)
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Re: Re: Access to

Bernhard Kilger
Dear community,
I'm sorry, I have to contact you again with a problem that seems to be quite simple.
A few years ago, I had difficulties getting started with JOGL (in that time version 1.1). Today (with version 2.1) the problem has recurred. I'm trying to compile and run a simple demo, which came along with "Tutorial on JOGL 2.1
Including Nehe JOGL Port", URL: The program is named "JOGL2Setup_GLCanvas".
Setting up the JOGL environment with CLASSPATH and PATH, as well as the compiling worked fine, but at runtime it comes out that apparently the creation of GLCanvas is not successful. It results in null, whatever I experiment with GLProfile and/or GLCapabilities.
Could you help me with a basic sample demo, which does nothing but presenting a red square on the screen or something like that?
Many thanks in advance!
Best regards from
Bernhard Kilger, Pulheim Germany