Hello fqhuy,
a CLBuffer usually holds a direct allocated buffer (can be any type of
java.nio.Buffer). This buffer is used when you enqueue synchronous or
asynchronous write/read commands in a CLCommandQueue.
example (junit test):
CLBuffer<ByteBuffer> clBufferA = context.createByteBuffer(elements*SIZEOF_INT, mem.READ_ONLY);
CLBuffer<ByteBuffer> clBufferB = context.createByteBuffer(elements*SIZEOF_INT, mem.READ_ONLY);
// asynchronous write of data to GPU device, blocking read later to get the computed results back.
queue.putWriteBuffer(clBufferA, false) // write A
.putCopyBuffer(clBufferA, clBufferB, clBufferA.buffer.capacity()) // copy A -> B
.putReadBuffer(clBufferB, true) // read B
If you don't need this nio buffer but only the on-device counterpart use
one of the create methods with the question mark in it:
CLBuffer<?> createBuffer(int size, CLMemory.Mem... flags)
http://jogamp.org/deployment/webstart-next/javadoc/jocl/javadoc/com/jogamp/opencl/CLContext.html#createBuffer%28int,%20com.jogamp.opencl.CLMemory.Mem...%29this will give you a CLBuffer<?> without a NIO buffer (that was
basically your question).
you can change this later at runtime if you want:
just use buffer.cloneWith(niobuffer) to get a new instance of a CLBuffer
pointing to the same device buffer but using a different NIO buffer.
(everything above applies for CLImages, CLGLBuffers and CLGLTextures also)
hope that helps,
On 02/10/2011 11:16 AM, fqhuy [via jogamp] wrote:
> > From what I know about JOCL, the context.create****Buffer function always
> allocate 2 version of buffers, one in host, and one in device. However, in
> some cases, I need to create the device one only; to use it as a temporary
> buffer, for instance. Is it possible to do so ?
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