Artifacts seen with semi-transparent objects...

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Artifacts seen with semi-transparent objects...


I'd like to discuss the possibility of improving the rendering of semi-transparent isosurfaces (as arbitrary Mesh) in the JOGL+Ardor3D paradigm. I guess this is a well understood problem: within a given mesh there's no ordering front to back of the comprising triangle from the point of view of the eye so that the order of rendering w.r.t depth may not be consistent for adjacent pixels thus generated blotchy looking weird surfaces. I suppose one solution is to compute which tris are intersected along a ray, and sort them for depth as the object is rotated. But where in the pipeline this be done. Is there already a specific OpenGL shader to perform this task. Or if we wrote our own code to do this, how would I pass the results to Ardor3D in the most efficient structure possible, obviously not a single tri per single mesh? I guess it would be best to do as much on the GPU as possible.

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Re: Artifacts seen with semi-transparent objects...


Another user (Andreas?) succeeded in drawing  semi-transparent objects with JogAmp's Ardor3D Continuation. If it's not enough for your needs, I advise you to implement the depth peeling algorithm, several examples have been mentioned on this forum.
Julien Gouesse | Personal blog | Website