Best way to overlay widgets (buttons, checkboxes, etc) onto the GLCanvas or GLJPanel?

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Best way to overlay widgets (buttons, checkboxes, etc) onto the GLCanvas or GLJPanel?


I'm using NASA WorldWind for my globe, which is a JOGL application and would like to create a globe-centric view with some widgets like buttons, checkboxes, cascading buttons positioned around the perimeter of the globe with the space between the components being transparent. This Window would be embedded into a Swing application.

What is the current best way to accomplish this these days? Is there some way to embed AWT, Swing, JavaFX or SWT components onto the globe?

Has anybody successfully integrated OpenGL widgets from a C++ library like DISTI's or nanogui into a JOGL window?

I was hoping by now that here was a widget library that would interoperate with JOGL. If there really aren't any good solutions, I imagine I'll have to create custom widgets with JOGL calls, which is not my ideal approach.


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Re: Best way to overlay widgets (buttons, checkboxes, etc) onto the GLCanvas or GLJPanel?


Maybe you'll have less troubles with GLJPanel. Yes you can mix JOGL with AWT, Swing, SWT (NewtCanvasSwt) and OpenJFX (NewtCanvasJFX).

Have you read my article about JOGL + OpenJFX?

Have you ever tried the JOGL Graph UI API?
Julien Gouesse | Personal blog | Website
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Re: Best way to overlay widgets (buttons, checkboxes, etc) onto the GLCanvas or GLJPanel?

Thanks for the reply and he the link to your article. I'll give the JavaFX Canvas a try as well. JavaFX is great.

It looks like I can add a button to the WW globe, which uses a Flow Layout by default.  (Just had to cast the WorldWindow to a JComponent). I'll play around with that a bit more.