I'm trying to change Java3d in my project from 1.5.2 to "1.6.0-pre12-daily-experimental daily"
When I add the necessary libraries (4 jar files) to my plugin-project, I get the Exception:
- java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Can't load library: C:\Z_Work\Programme\eclipseMarsJee32\natives\windows-i586\\gluegen-rt.dll.
When I unzip the jar file and save all native DLLs in an internal folder in my prolect, then make so me changes in the MANIFEST.MF file corresponding to native dlls, I receive the Exception:
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class javax.media.j3d.VirtualUniverse
at javax.media.j3d.GraphicsConfigTemplate3D.getBestConfiguration(GraphicsConfigTemplate3D.java:317)
What do I wrong?
When I create a new non plugin project and integrate the all necessary jar files, it works well.