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Change point of rotation for Mouse Rotate

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Change point of rotation for Mouse Rotate

I am using MouseRotate in my application to rotate around a group of cubes(more like rubic's cube). I cannot figure out a way to change the point of rotation of my cube. Please find below a screenshot of my program, the circle indicates the origin around which the cube rotates by default. Let me know if I can explain my problem any better.

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Re: Change point of rotation for Mouse Rotate


As far as I know, you can only act on the transform group that you use to create a MouseRotate. Look at the source code to understand how the transform is used:
Julien Gouesse | Personal blog | Website
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Re: Change point of rotation for Mouse Rotate

Sorry I couldn't make my question clear. I just wanted to know if the point of rotation could be changed from origin (0,0,0) to some other point(x,y,z).
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Re: Change point of rotation for Mouse Rotate

Your question was clear, I just tried to explain to you that as Java 3D is open source, the best way to understand how it works consists in looking at its source code. You might have to write your own "MouseRotate" to obtain the desired behavior.
Julien Gouesse | Personal blog | Website
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Re: Change point of rotation for Mouse Rotate

Thank you so much. I will get to it right away.