Create a texture from a BufferedImage

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Create a texture from a BufferedImage


I am quite new to JOGL and I have some questions about a feature implemented in JOGL 1.1.2 which seems to be missing in JOGL 2.0. :(

What I want to do is using a BufferedImage in an JOGL Texture object. The last stable release of JOGL released by Sun (1.1.2) provided the following method :

TextureData com.sun.opengl.util.texture.TextureIO.newTextureData(BufferedImage bufferedimage, boolean flag);

But when i set up JOGL 2.0, the only ways to create a texture data object are via files, streams or URLs. I have tried to transform my buffered image in a stream but with no success...

So my question is, does JOGL 2.0 allows to load a BufferedImage into a Texture object ?
If yes, can someone help me with that, that'd be great :)
If no, I'm interested in knowing why! Does the function of JOGL 1.1.2 was 'bad' in any way ? Will it be implemented in future versions of JOGL ?
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Re: Create a texture from a BufferedImage

Michael Bien
  all AWT dependencies are now separated in JOGL 2. Whenever you miss
something take a look if you can find a AWT* version of the class you
used usually.


have fun,

On 03/10/2011 05:48 PM, AlexRNL [via jogamp] wrote:

> Hi,
> I am quite new to JOGL and I have some questions about a feature implemented
> in JOGL 1.1.2 which seems to be missing in JOGL 2.0. :(
> What I want to do is using a BufferedImage in an JOGL Texture object. The
> last stable release of JOGL released by Sun (1.1.2) provided the following
> method :
> TextureData
> com.sun.opengl.util.texture.TextureIO.newTextureData(BufferedImage
> bufferedimage, boolean flag);
> But when i set up JOGL 2.0, the only ways to create a texture data object
> are via files, streams or URLs. I have tried to transform my buffered image
> in a stream but with no success...
> So my question is, does JOGL 2.0 allows to load a BufferedImage into a
> Texture object ?
> If yes, can someone help me with that, that'd be great :)
> If no, I'm interested in knowing why! Does the function of JOGL 1.1.2 was
> 'bad' in any way ? Will it be implemented in future versions of JOGL ?
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Re: Create a texture from a BufferedImage

Thanks !

And good luck for improving JOGL, that is a great tool :)
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Re: Create a texture from a BufferedImage

In reply to this post by Michael Bien
After so many years, I was looking for this solution and this helped me :) Thanks a lot.
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Re: Create a texture from a BufferedImage

Chen norris

Maybe the way I did it can help you, I found it very nice, by using the AWTGLReadBufferUtil class :
// Here, you render what you want for the texture

// Once the scene is rendered, saving it in a texture that will be used as the texture
AWTGLReadBufferUtil awtGlReadBufferUtil = new AWTGLReadBufferUtil(gl.getGLProfile(), false);
BufferedImage bufferedImage = awtGlReadBufferUtil.readPixelsToBufferedImage(gl, false);
TextureData textureData = AWTTextureIO.newTextureData(gl.getGLProfile(), bufferedImage, true);
The false final parameter above is for rendering upside-down or not (have a try to see what fits better your needs).
And then, you may want to buffer your image in memory. This is how I did it :
gl.glBindTexture(GL.GL_TEXTURE_2D, idTexture);

// Texture parameterization

// Buffering the texture
gl.glTexImage2D(GL.GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, texture.getInternalFormat(), texture.getWidth(),
texture.getHeight(), 0, texture.getPixelFormat(), texture.getPixelType(), texture.getBuffer()); gl.glGenerateMipmap(GL.GL_TEXTURE_2D);

// Unbinding the texture
gl.glBindTexture(GL.GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0);

Just pay attention to the version of JOGL you use : I found a bug with the 2.3.1 with an unrecognized pixelFormat. This problem was solved by the 2.3.2 version of JOGL

Hope this may help you ;)