I understand that some changes occurred since Java 9 are a bit painful but sticking to an obsolete version of Java is a very bad idea in terms of security and stability too as you don't benefit of many bug fixes that won't be backported into Java 8. Moreover, you'll end up with a JRE not working on recent operating systems anyway, it's not worth it.
There is no such version, you can try to modify JOGL at your own risk to make it work with Java 8 but you'll probably fail even though there isn't a huge dependency on features unavailable in Java 8, you might have some troubles with bugs still in Java 8 and fixed in Java 9 or only in commercial builds of Java 8 (with very restrictive licenses).
I have a "better" solution for you, tell me what doesn't work and let me help you to make it work with Java 11 (and even preferably Java 17 which is the latest LTS version, Java 21 being the next one). You can use a more recent version of "native packaging" anyway. Don't forget to use some "--add-opens" clauses, disable HiDPI if you're not happy with it and it should work. By the way, jpackage works much better since Java 14.