Do not use DRI2

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Do not use DRI2

Can I not use DRI2? I'm running Arch Linux with the proprietary AMD driver and I don't think it supports it. I'm not willing to install the open-source driver and mesa which I know does. I get the error:

libEGL warning: DRI2: failed to authenticate

At program start when using NEWT or Frame. I've been trying to fix for a while and had no luck. Thanks
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Re: Do not use DRI2


Sorry, use the open source driver (you already use free or at least open source softwares including JOGL and GNU Linux). If AMD doesn't wish to implement a fallback not using DRI2, you won't be able to solve your problem. I don't want to debate about drivers under GNU Linux but using proprietary ones isn't viable on the long term because you're dependent on the decisions of GPU manufacturers motivated by commercial interests. Most of my computers wouldn't have worked for years without open source drivers.
Julien Gouesse | Personal blog | Website