GCJ gij JRE and Eclipse ecj using Java 1.5 nio

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GCJ gij JRE and Eclipse ecj using Java 1.5 nio

Xerxes Rånby
I ran a check if it was possible to run JogAmp JOGL using the GCJ gij JRE.
After some quick fixes TestRedSquareES1NEWT got running using gij.


- support using many more JVM in combination with GNU classpath.
- If we can use GCJ then it would be possible to compile native binary’s for easy deployment on some exotic hardware platforms.

- The classpath implementation shipped with GCJ gij JRE and Ecliple ecj only uses a Java 1.5 nio implementation.
- A lot more code needs to be rewritten to stay fully backwards compatible with Java 1.5.

The question is do we want to support JRE using Java 1.5 nio classpath implementation?
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Re: GCJ gij JRE and Eclipse ecj using Java 1.5 nio

Sven Gothel
On 01/18/2013 05:16 PM, Xerxes Rånby [via jogamp] wrote:
> I ran a check if it was possible to run JogAmp JOGL using the GCJ gij JRE.
> After some quick fixes TestRedSquareES1NEWT got running using gij.
> https://github.com/sgothel/gluegen/pull/13
I will merge this pull - but edit it slightly to still have the 'fast'
path for Java6. Might still break GCJ though ..

> Pros:
> - If we can use GCJ then it would be possible to compile native binary’s for
> easy deployment on some exotic hardware platforms.
> Cons:
> - The classpath implementation shipped with GCJ gij JRE and Ecliple ecj only
> uses a Java 1.5 nio implementation.
How about Mono's Java compiler <http://www.mono-project.com/Java>,
note that the end of that page shows an example of howto go all way from
  - java -> class (you normal javac, like GCJ)
  - class -> mono -> native

> - A lot more code needs to be rewritten to stay fully backwards compatible
> with Java 1.5.
Really? We may need a list.
However, considering how GCJ works, i.e. compiling .class files to native,
we maybe lucky here w/o changing too much.

> The question is do we want to support JRE using Java 1.5 nio classpath
> implementation?

Not really - however, if this would enable us to a new array of targets,
we may consider doing so. At least being somewhat compatible to such restrictions .. maybe.

I would say, we shall be open to such a perspective.
However, another very big 'Con' is that GCJ is no more actively developed,
hence it's <= Java 1.5 compatibility only.


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Re: GCJ gij JRE and Eclipse ecj using Java 1.5 nio

Please don't use Mono, it may contain some code infringing some Microsoft software patents, I don't want any trouble even though I'm against patenting in general.

Keeping compatible with Java 1.5 would be preferable if we plan to resurrect PPC support at some point. Some big software editors encourage planned obsolence, I think we shouldn't do that even though our resources are finite.
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