GL4 / GL3 and missing Matrix calls

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GL4 / GL3 and missing Matrix calls

Hi all,
I'm using GL2 profile with GLProfile.get(GLProfile.GL2) and its instructions like glMatrixMode(), glLoadIdentity(), glOrtho() and all it's ok.
Now I need to use shader #version 150 and I see that with GL2 I can use shader #version 120. So I tried to move to GL4 (or GL3, in this case is the same) with GLProfile.get(GLProfile.GL4): my video card gives me correct GL4 profile but I didn't find those instructions. How can I do?
Thanks in advance.
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Re: GL4 / GL3 and missing Matrix calls

Those are deprecated as of OpenGL 3 (see appendix E)

Basically you will have to manage manage the matrix math in your own code. I believe JOGL has some utility classes to emulate the fixed function matrix functions (but I haven't used them myself so I can't point to the source).