Get raw X Y input position data

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Get raw X Y input position data

Peter F

we're trying to sort out a means of handling linux / android touch screen calibration in our app.

For example, we have an android tv box powering a touch screen display based app, it is aware of the touch events, but isn't calibrated. We're trying to work on a solution that means we don't have to modify the android system image to contain a set of calibration data for each model of touch screen that may end up being used over time.

So I'll cut to the chase, is there a way to get the raw X Y position of a touch event in JOGL, as you might see in something like the android MotionEvent class?


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Re: Get raw X Y input position data


The mouse event should contain this information, touch events are supported by JOGL under Android but not under GNU Linux as far as I remember, maybe Sven can confirm. MouseEvent.PointerType.Onscreen indicates that the event comes from a touch screen.
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