Gluegen Build error, build.xml:422, build.xml:447, cannot run program "gcc"

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Gluegen Build error, build.xml:422, build.xml:447, cannot run program "gcc"

Caleb Wilson
Hi, I am trying to build Gluegen and JOGL for Java so I can learn how to use OpenGL. I was following the tutorial at  but when I tried to ant build Gluegen I got the following error message:

E:\Programming\Java\opengl\gluegen\make\build.xml:422: The following error occured while executing this line:
E:\Programming\Java\opengl\gluegen\make\build.xml:477: Could not launch gcc: Cannot run program "gcc" (in directory "E:\Programming\Java\opengl\gluegen\build\obj"): CreateProcess error=2, The system cannot find the file specified

Information about my computer:
Windows 7, SP1
JOGL and Gluegen git cloned to path E:\Programming\Java\opengl\

Originally I deleted the contents of my opengl folder and git cloned the Gluegen and JOGL repositories a second time, but I got the same error message.
How can I resolve this issue?
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Re: Gluegen Build error, build.xml:422, build.xml:447, cannot run program "gcc"

You do not have to build gluegen/jogl yourself. Just download the binary release and set up your development environment as usual with 3:d part JAR files.

If you for some reason really want to build you should follow the instructions here:
Read very carefully the "Requirements" section because you obviously did not do so.