I am trying to run the HelloGlobe.java example from
https://github.com/jvm-graphics-labs/hello-triangle. The source code is at
https://github.com/jvm-graphics-labs/hello-triangle/blob/master/src/main/java/gl4/HelloGlobe.java. I think this is an official tutorial. The problems I am encountering is with dependency issues. The following lines are giving errors
import framework.Semantic;
import glm.mat.Mat4x4;
import glm.vec._2.Vec2;
import glm.vec._3.Vec3;
import uno.debug.GlDebugOutput;
import uno.glsl.Program;
import static glm.GlmKt.glm;
import static uno.buffer.UtilKt.destroyBuffer;
import static uno.buffer.UtilKt.destroyBuffers;
Like I said, this is a dependency issue and I am hoping I can find the required dependencies to run the tutorial.