I am Mac user. I have a java code run on both (netbeans & eclipse). When I tried to run in each IDEs: For Netbeans : Exception in thread "J3D-Renderer-1" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: apple/awt/ComponentModel at com.sun.opengl.impl.JAWT_DrawingSurface.GetDrawingSurfaceInfo0(Native Method) at com.sun.opengl.impl.JAWT_DrawingSurface.GetDrawingSurfaceInfo(JAWT_DrawingSurface.java:56) at com.sun.opengl.impl.macosx.MacOSXOnscreenGLDrawable$1.run(MacOSXOnscreenGLDrawable.java:165) at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method) at com.sun.opengl.impl.macosx.MacOSXOnscreenGLDrawable.lockSurface(MacOSXOnscreenGLDrawable.java:163) at com.sun.opengl.impl.macosx.MacOSXOnscreenGLContext.makeCurrentImpl(MacOSXOnscreenGLContext.java:57) at com.sun.opengl.impl.GLContextImpl.makeCurrent(GLContextImpl.java:134) at javax.media.j3d.JoglPipeline$QueryCanvas.doQuery(JoglPipeline.java:9049) at javax.media.j3d.JoglPipeline.getBestConfiguration(JoglPipeline.java:8797) at javax.media.j3d.Renderer.doWork(Renderer.java:514) at javax.media.j3d.J3dThread.run(J3dThread.java:275) Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: apple.awt.ComponentModel at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(URLClassLoader.java:381) at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:424) at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:357) ... 11 more For eclipse: Exception in thread "J3D-Renderer-1" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no jogl in java.library.path at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary(ClassLoader.java:1886) at java.lang.Runtime.loadLibrary0(Runtime.java:849) at java.lang.System.loadLibrary(System.java:1088) at com.sun.opengl.impl.NativeLibLoader.loadLibraryInternal(NativeLibLoader.java:189) at com.sun.opengl.impl.NativeLibLoader.access$000(NativeLibLoader.java:49) at com.sun.opengl.impl.NativeLibLoader$DefaultAction.loadLibrary(NativeLibLoader.java:80) at com.sun.opengl.impl.NativeLibLoader.loadLibrary(NativeLibLoader.java:103) at com.sun.opengl.impl.NativeLibLoader.access$200(NativeLibLoader.java:49) at com.sun.opengl.impl.NativeLibLoader$1.run(NativeLibLoader.java:111) at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method) at com.sun.opengl.impl.NativeLibLoader.loadCore(NativeLibLoader.java:109) at com.sun.opengl.impl.macosx.MacOSXGLDrawableFactory.<clinit>(MacOSXGLDrawableFactory.java:53) at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method) at java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:191) at javax.media.opengl.GLDrawableFactory.getFactory(GLDrawableFactory.java:108) at javax.media.j3d.JoglPipeline$QueryCanvas.<init>(JoglPipeline.java:9029) at javax.media.j3d.JoglPipeline.getBestConfiguration(JoglPipeline.java:8793) at javax.media.j3d.Renderer.doWork(Renderer.java:514) at javax.media.j3d.J3dThread.run(J3dThread.java:275) How I can solve this problems? On eclipse I but jogl into library bath but it did not work. I tried to do the follow : https://gouessej.wordpress.com/2012/08/01/java-3d-est-de-retour-java-3d-is-back/ However, I do not understand where is the issue. |
Please look at the troubleshooting section of my tutorial here. Java3D 1.6.0 doesn't use apple.awt.ComponentModel; therefore, as it is indicated in my tutorial, you have to uninstall all other obsolete versions of Java3D. There is still at least one obsolete version installed as an extension on your machine and this is the one picked by Netbeans. The problem is similar in Eclipse, the obsolete version of Java3D tries to find JOGL 1, you see "com.sun.opengl.impl.macosx" which have been moved into another package in JOGL 2.
Julien Gouesse | Personal blog | Website
Thank you for your replay.
I did what you requested and I got this on: Netbeans: run: 3D [dev] 1.6.0-pre12-daily-experimental daily data/liver_tetra_s1.txt Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 0 at DataProcessor.solve(DataProcessor.java:362) at DataProcessor.process(DataProcessor.java:83) at GUI.processFile(GUI.java:1046) at GUI.<init>(GUI.java:64) at GUI.main(GUI.java:1137) Eclipse: 3D [dev] 1.6.0-pre12-daily-experimental daily. What is now? |
This exception is thrown in your own code, not in Java3D. If you want to get some help, show us your code. The array accessed at DataProcessor.solve() line 362 is empty but your program expects a non empty one.
Julien Gouesse | Personal blog | Website
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.JTabbedPane; import org.jfree.chart.ChartFactory; import org.jfree.chart.ChartPanel; import org.jfree.chart.JFreeChart; import org.jfree.chart.plot.XYPlot; import org.jfree.data.xy.XYDataset; import org.jfree.data.xy.XYSeries; import org.jfree.data.xy.XYSeriesCollection; public class DataProcessor extends JFrame { private Map<Integer, Integer> idMappings = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>(); private int pointInConcern; private double interval = 5; private int intervalCount = 100; private List<TetraHedron> allTetrahedrons = new ArrayList<>(); private List<TetraHedron> tetrahedrons = new ArrayList<>(); private double youngsModulus; // Represented by E private double poissonRatio; // Represented by v private int selectedPointId = 0; private double volume = 0.0; private double[] force = new double[3]; private double[] newPoint = new double[3]; double[][][] newF = new double[intervalCount + 1][tetrahedrons.size() * 12][1]; private int temppp; private double[][] elasticityMatrix; // Represented by D private double[][] AG; List<double[][]> allK = new ArrayList<double[][]>(); /** * @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) { DataProcessor dataProcessor = new DataProcessor(); dataProcessor.process(); } public void process() { selectedPointId = 0; double row = 1; double lambda = calculateLambda(youngsModulus, poissonRatio); double mue = calculateMue(youngsModulus, poissonRatio); elasticityMatrix = calculateElasticityMatrix(lambda, mue); double[][] Ksum = new double[tetrahedrons.size() * 12][tetrahedrons .size() * 12]; for (int i = 0; i < 3 * tetrahedrons.size(); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 3 * tetrahedrons.size(); j++) { Ksum[i][j] = 0.0; } } for (TetraHedron t : tetrahedrons) { double[][] s = getStiffnessMatrix(t, false); assemble(Ksum, s, t.getPoints()[0].getId(), t.getPoints()[1].getId(), t.getPoints()[2].getId(), t.getPoints()[3].getId()); allK.add(s); } double[] F = new double[tetrahedrons.size() * 12]; for (int i = 0; i < F.length;) { F[i++] = force[0]; F[i++] = force[1]; F[i++] = force[2]; } double[] U = solve(Ksum, F); int m = 0; for (TetraHedron t : tetrahedrons) { Point[] points = new Point[4]; points[0] = new Point(U[(m * 3) + 0], U[(m * 3) + 1], U[(m * 3) + 2], t.getPoints()[0].getId()); m++; points[1] = new Point(U[(m * 3) + 0], U[(m * 3) + 1], U[(m * 3) + 2], t.getPoints()[1].getId()); m++; points[2] = new Point(U[(m * 3) + 0], U[(m * 3) + 1], U[(m * 3) + 2], t.getPoints()[2].getId()); m++; points[3] = new Point(U[(m * 3) + 0], U[(m * 3) + 1], U[(m * 3) + 2], t.getPoints()[3].getId()); m++; t.setPoints(0, points); } double[][] UTransformed = new double[U.length][1]; for (int i = 0; i < U.length; i++) { UTransformed[i][0] = U[i]; } double[][] Fall = new double[tetrahedrons.size()][12]; for (int i = 0; i < tetrahedrons.size(); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 12; j++) { Fall[i][j] = 0.0; } } double[][] Udash = new double[tetrahedrons.size() * 12][1]; double[][] Fdash = new double[tetrahedrons.size() * 12][1]; for (int i = 0; i < tetrahedrons.size() * 12; i++) { Udash[i][0] = U[i]; Fdash[i][0] = F[i]; } for (int i = 0; i < tetrahedrons.size(); i++) { double[][] USelected = new double[12][1]; USelected[0][0] = UTransformed[((tetrahedrons.get(i).getPoints()[0] .getId()) * 3) + 0][0]; USelected[1][0] = UTransformed[((tetrahedrons.get(i).getPoints()[0] .getId()) * 3) + 1][0]; USelected[2][0] = UTransformed[((tetrahedrons.get(i).getPoints()[0] .getId()) * 3) + 2][0]; USelected[3][0] = UTransformed[((tetrahedrons.get(i).getPoints()[1] .getId()) * 3) + 0][0]; USelected[4][0] = UTransformed[((tetrahedrons.get(i).getPoints()[1] .getId()) * 3) + 1][0]; USelected[5][0] = UTransformed[((tetrahedrons.get(i).getPoints()[1] .getId()) * 3) + 2][0]; USelected[6][0] = UTransformed[((tetrahedrons.get(i).getPoints()[2] .getId()) * 3) + 0][0]; USelected[7][0] = UTransformed[((tetrahedrons.get(i).getPoints()[2] .getId()) * 3) + 1][0]; USelected[9][0] = UTransformed[((tetrahedrons.get(i).getPoints()[2] .getId()) * 3) + 2][0]; USelected[9][0] = UTransformed[((tetrahedrons.get(i).getPoints()[3] .getId()) * 3) + 0][0]; USelected[10][0] = UTransformed[((tetrahedrons.get(i).getPoints()[3] .getId()) * 3) + 1][0]; USelected[11][0] = UTransformed[((tetrahedrons.get(i).getPoints()[3] .getId()) * 3) + 2][0]; double[][] temp = multiply(allK.get(i), USelected); for (int j = 0; j < 12; j++) { Fall[i][j] = temp[j][0]; } } newF[0] = Fall; double[][] M = new double[tetrahedrons.size() * 12][tetrahedrons.size() * 12]; for (int i = 0; i < M.length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < M.length; j++) { M[i][j] = 0.0; } } M[0][0] = 2.0; for (int j = 1; j < M.length; j++) { if (j % 3 == 0) { M[0][j] = 1.0; } } for (int i = 1; i < M.length; i++) { for (int j = 1; j < M.length; j++) { M[i][j] = M[i - 1][j - 1]; } M[i][0] = M[i - 1][M.length - 1]; } M = multiply(M, (row * volume / 20)); double cK = 1.0; double cM = 1.0; double[][] C = sum(multiply(Ksum, cK), multiply(M, cM)); for (TetraHedron t : tetrahedrons) { t.getStrain().put(0, getStiffnessMatrix(t, true)); t.getStress().put(0, multiply(elasticityMatrix, t.getStrain().get(0))); } double[][] velocity = new double[tetrahedrons.size() * 12][1]; double[][] acceleration = new double[tetrahedrons.size() * 12][1]; for (int t = 1; t <= intervalCount; t++) { temppp = t; double delta = 0.05; double alpha = 0.25 * (0.5 + delta) * (0.5 + delta); double a0 = 1 / (alpha * ((t + 1) * interval) * ((t + 1) * interval)); double a1 = delta / (alpha * ((t + 1) * interval)); double a2 = 1 / (alpha * ((t + 1) * interval)); double a3 = (1 / (2 * alpha)) - 1; double a4 = (delta / alpha) - 1; double a5 = ((t + 1) * interval / 2) * ((delta / alpha) - 2); double a6 = ((t + 1) * interval) * (1 - delta); double a7 = (t + 1) * interval * delta; double[][] effectiveStiffnessMatrix = sum(Ksum, sum(multiply(M, a0), multiply(C, a1))); double[][] term1 = multiply( M, sum(sum(multiply(Udash, a0), multiply(velocity, a2)), multiply(acceleration, a3))); double[][] term2 = multiply( C, sum(sum(multiply(Udash, a1), multiply(velocity, a4)), multiply(acceleration, a5))); double[][] R = sum(sum(Fdash, term1), term2); newF[t] = R; double[] Rdash = new double[R.length]; for (int i = 0; i < Rdash.length; i++) { Rdash[i] = R[i][0]; } double[] newU = solve(effectiveStiffnessMatrix, Rdash); double[][] newUdash = new double[tetrahedrons.size() * 12][1]; for (int i = 0; i < tetrahedrons.size() * 12; i++) { newUdash[i][0] = newU[i]; } m = 0; for (TetraHedron eachT : tetrahedrons) { Point[] points = new Point[4]; points[0] = new Point(newU[(m * 3) + 0], newU[(m * 3) + 1], newU[(m * 3) + 2], eachT.getPoints()[0].getId()); m++; points[1] = new Point(newU[(m * 3) + 0], newU[(m * 3) + 1], newU[(m * 3) + 2], eachT.getPoints()[1].getId()); m++; points[2] = new Point(newU[(m * 3) + 0], newU[(m * 3) + 1], newU[(m * 3) + 2], eachT.getPoints()[2].getId()); m++; points[3] = new Point(newU[(m * 3) + 0], newU[(m * 3) + 1], newU[(m * 3) + 2], eachT.getPoints()[3].getId()); m++; eachT.setPoints(t, points); } double[][] newAcceleration = sum( sum(multiply(sum(multiply(Udash, -1.0), newUdash), a0), multiply(velocity, -1.0 * a2)), multiply(acceleration, -1.0 * a3)); double[][] newVelocity = sum( sum(velocity, multiply(acceleration, a6)), multiply(newAcceleration, a7)); velocity = newVelocity; acceleration = newAcceleration; for (TetraHedron eachT : tetrahedrons) { eachT.getStrain().put(t, getStiffnessMatrix(eachT, true)); eachT.getStress() .put(t, sum(eachT.getStress().get(t - 1), multiply( elasticityMatrix, sum(eachT.getStrain().get(t), multiply(eachT .getStrain() .get(t - 1), -1.0))))); } } System.out.println("Strain"); for (Integer t : tetrahedrons.get(0).getStrain().keySet()) { System.out.println("\t" + tetrahedrons.get(0).getStrain().get(t)[0][0] + "\t" + tetrahedrons.get(0).getStrain().get(t)[1][0] + "\t" + tetrahedrons.get(0).getStrain().get(t)[2][0] + "\t" + tetrahedrons.get(0).getStrain().get(t)[3][0] + "\t" + tetrahedrons.get(0).getStrain().get(t)[4][0] + "\t" + tetrahedrons.get(0).getStrain().get(t)[5][0]); } System.out.println("Stress"); for (Integer t : tetrahedrons.get(0).getStress().keySet()) { System.out.println("\t" + tetrahedrons.get(0).getStress().get(t)[0][0] + "\t" + tetrahedrons.get(0).getStress().get(t)[1][0] + "\t" + tetrahedrons.get(0).getStress().get(t)[2][0] + "\t" + tetrahedrons.get(0).getStress().get(t)[3][0] + "\t" + tetrahedrons.get(0).getStress().get(t)[4][0] + "\t" + tetrahedrons.get(0).getStress().get(t)[5][0]); } } /** * @return */ private XYDataset[] createDataset() { final XYSeries series1 = new XYSeries("Stress vs Strain"); final XYSeries series2 = new XYSeries("Force vs Displacement"); final XYSeries series3 = new XYSeries("Force vs Time"); for (Integer t : tetrahedrons.get(0).getStrain().keySet()) { series1.add(tetrahedrons.get(0).getStrain().get(t)[0][0], tetrahedrons.get(0).getStress().get(t)[0][0]); series3.add(1.0 * t, newF[t][0][0]); series2.add(tetrahedrons.get(0) .getHistoricalPositions().get(t)[0].getX(),newF[t][0][0]); } final XYSeriesCollection dataset1 = new XYSeriesCollection(); final XYSeriesCollection dataset2 = new XYSeriesCollection(); final XYSeriesCollection dataset3 = new XYSeriesCollection(); dataset1.addSeries(series1); dataset2.addSeries(series2); dataset3.addSeries(series3); return new XYDataset[] { dataset1, dataset2, dataset3 }; } /** * @param dataset * @return */ private JFreeChart createChart(final XYDataset dataset) { final JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createXYLineChart("Title", "X Axis", "Y Axis", dataset); final XYPlot plot = chart.getXYPlot(); return chart; } /** * @param ad * @param ad1 * @return */ public double[] solve(double ad[][], double ad1[]) { if (ad == null || ad1 == null || ad.length != ad1.length || ad[0].length != ad1.length) return null; double ad2[][] = (double[][]) ad.clone(); double ad3[] = (double[]) ad1.clone(); int i = ad3.length; double ad4[] = new double[i]; for (int j = 0; j < i - 1; j++) if (ad2[j][j] != 0.0D) { for (int l = j + 1; l < i; l++) { double d = ad2[l][j] / ad2[j][j]; for (int j1 = j; j1 < i; j1++) ad2[l][j1] = ad2[l][j1] - ad2[j][j1] * d; ad3[l] = ad3[l] - ad3[j] * d; } } for (int k = i - 1; k >= 0; k--) { ad4[k] = 0.0D; for (int i1 = k + 1; i1 < i; i1++) ad4[k] = ad4[k] - ad2[k][i1] * ad4[i1]; if (ad2[k][k] == 0.0D) ad2[k][k] = 0.10000000000000001D; ad4[k] = (ad4[k] + ad3[k]) / ad2[k][k]; } return ad4; } private double[][] getStiffnessMatrix(TetraHedron t, boolean justStrain) { double[][] displacementDifferentiationMatrix; // Represented by B double[][] shapefunctionIdentityMatrix; // Represented by N double[][] displacementIdentityMatrix; // Represented by T double[][] relativeDisplacementMatrix; // Represented by G double[][] nonLinearDisplacementMatrix; // Represented by A double[][] linearDifferentialOperator; // Represented by S TetrahedronShapeFunction shapeFunctionCalculator = new TetrahedronShapeFunction(); Point originalPoint = tetrahedrons.get(0).getPoints()[selectedPointId]; double[] shapeFunctions = shapeFunctionCalculator.getShapeFunction( tetrahedrons.get(0), originalPoint); linearDifferentialOperator = multiply( new double[][] { { shapeFunctionCalculator.getBetas()[selectedPointId], 0, 0 }, { 0, shapeFunctionCalculator.getGammas()[selectedPointId], 0 }, { 0, 0, shapeFunctionCalculator.getDeltas()[selectedPointId] }, { shapeFunctionCalculator.getGammas()[selectedPointId], shapeFunctionCalculator.getBetas()[selectedPointId], 0 }, { 0, shapeFunctionCalculator.getDeltas()[selectedPointId], shapeFunctionCalculator.getGammas()[selectedPointId] }, { shapeFunctionCalculator.getDeltas()[selectedPointId], 0, shapeFunctionCalculator.getBetas()[selectedPointId] } }, (1.0 / (6.0 * shapeFunctionCalculator.getVolume()))); // double[][] Su = multiply(linearDifferentialOperator, new double[][] { // { t.getPoints()[selectedPointId].getX() }, // { t.getPoints()[selectedPointId].getY() }, // { t.getPoints()[selectedPointId].getZ() } }); double[][] Su = multiply(linearDifferentialOperator, new double[][] { { newPoint[0] }, { newPoint[1] }, { newPoint[2] } }); displacementDifferentiationMatrix = multiply( calculateDisplacementDifferentiationMatrix(shapeFunctionCalculator), 1.0 / (6 * shapeFunctionCalculator.getVolume())); shapefunctionIdentityMatrix = calculateShapeFunctionIdentityMatrix(shapeFunctions); double[][] elementDisplacement = multiply(shapefunctionIdentityMatrix, new double[][] { { t.getPoints()[0].getX() }, { t.getPoints()[0].getY() }, { t.getPoints()[0].getZ() }, { t.getPoints()[1].getX() }, { t.getPoints()[1].getY() }, { t.getPoints()[1].getZ() }, { t.getPoints()[2].getX() }, { t.getPoints()[2].getY() }, { t.getPoints()[2].getZ() }, { t.getPoints()[3].getX() }, { t.getPoints()[3].getY() }, { t.getPoints()[3].getZ() } }); // should be 3x1 ... // small u displacementIdentityMatrix = calculateDisplacementIdentityMatrix(shapeFunctionCalculator); relativeDisplacementMatrix = multiply(displacementIdentityMatrix, shapefunctionIdentityMatrix); nonLinearDisplacementMatrix = generateNonLinearDisplacementMatrix(shapeFunctionCalculator); AG = multiply(nonLinearDisplacementMatrix, relativeDisplacementMatrix); double[][] theta = multiply(displacementIdentityMatrix, multiply(elementDisplacement, (1.1 * temppp))); double[][] ATheta = multiply(nonLinearDisplacementMatrix, theta); double[][] strain = sum(multiply(Su, 1), multiply(ATheta, 0.5)); if (justStrain) { return strain; } double[][] elementStiffness1 = multiply( multiply( multiply(transpose(displacementDifferentiationMatrix), elasticityMatrix), displacementDifferentiationMatrix), shapeFunctionCalculator.getVolume()); double[][] elementStiffness2 = multiply( multiply(transpose(displacementDifferentiationMatrix), AG), 0.5 * shapeFunctionCalculator.getVolume()); double[][] elementStiffness = sum(elementStiffness1, elementStiffness2); volume = volume + shapeFunctionCalculator.getVolume(); return elementStiffness; } /** * @return */ private double[][] generateNonLinearDisplacementMatrix( TetrahedronShapeFunction shapeFunctionCalculator) { double[][] returnValue = new double[6][9]; for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 9; j++) { returnValue[i][j] = 0.0; } } int[] indices = new int[3]; int j = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (i != selectedPointId) { indices[j] = i; j++; } } returnValue[0][0] = shapeFunctionCalculator.getBetas()[indices[0]]; returnValue[1][4] = shapeFunctionCalculator.getGammas()[indices[1]]; returnValue[2][8] = shapeFunctionCalculator.getDeltas()[indices[2]]; returnValue[3][1] = shapeFunctionCalculator.getGammas()[indices[0]]; returnValue[3][3] = shapeFunctionCalculator.getBetas()[indices[1]]; returnValue[4][5] = shapeFunctionCalculator.getDeltas()[indices[1]]; returnValue[4][7] = shapeFunctionCalculator.getGammas()[indices[2]]; returnValue[5][2] = shapeFunctionCalculator.getDeltas()[indices[0]]; returnValue[5][6] = shapeFunctionCalculator.getBetas()[indices[2]]; return returnValue; } /** * @return */ private double[][] calculateDisplacementIdentityMatrix( TetrahedronShapeFunction shapeFunctionCalculator) { double[][] returnValue = new double[9][3]; for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { returnValue[i][j] = 0.0; } } returnValue[0][0] = shapeFunctionCalculator.getBetas()[selectedPointId]; returnValue[1][1] = shapeFunctionCalculator.getBetas()[selectedPointId]; returnValue[2][2] = shapeFunctionCalculator.getBetas()[selectedPointId]; returnValue[3][0] = shapeFunctionCalculator.getGammas()[selectedPointId]; returnValue[4][1] = shapeFunctionCalculator.getGammas()[selectedPointId]; returnValue[5][2] = shapeFunctionCalculator.getGammas()[selectedPointId]; returnValue[6][0] = shapeFunctionCalculator.getDeltas()[selectedPointId]; returnValue[7][1] = shapeFunctionCalculator.getDeltas()[selectedPointId]; returnValue[8][2] = shapeFunctionCalculator.getDeltas()[selectedPointId]; return multiply(returnValue, (1.0 / (6 * shapeFunctionCalculator.getVolume()))); } /** * @return */ private double[][] calculateShapeFunctionIdentityMatrix( double[] shapeFunctions) { double[][] returnValue = new double[3][12]; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 12; j++) { returnValue[i][j] = 0.0; } } returnValue[0][0] = shapeFunctions[0]; returnValue[1][1] = shapeFunctions[0]; returnValue[2][2] = shapeFunctions[0]; returnValue[0][3] = shapeFunctions[1]; returnValue[1][4] = shapeFunctions[1]; returnValue[2][5] = shapeFunctions[1]; returnValue[0][6] = shapeFunctions[2]; returnValue[1][7] = shapeFunctions[2]; returnValue[2][8] = shapeFunctions[2]; returnValue[0][9] = shapeFunctions[3]; returnValue[1][10] = shapeFunctions[3]; returnValue[2][11] = shapeFunctions[3]; return returnValue; } private double[][] calculateDisplacementDifferentiationMatrix( TetrahedronShapeFunction shapeFunctionCalculator) { double[][] returnValue = new double[6][12]; for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 12; j++) { returnValue[i][j] = 0.0; } } for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { returnValue[0][(i * 3) + 0] = shapeFunctionCalculator.getBetas()[i]; returnValue[1][(i * 3) + 1] = shapeFunctionCalculator.getGammas()[i]; returnValue[2][(i * 3) + 2] = shapeFunctionCalculator.getDeltas()[i]; returnValue[3][(i * 3) + 0] = shapeFunctionCalculator.getGammas()[i]; returnValue[3][(i * 3) + 1] = shapeFunctionCalculator.getBetas()[i]; returnValue[4][(i * 3) + 1] = shapeFunctionCalculator.getDeltas()[i]; returnValue[4][(i * 3) + 2] = shapeFunctionCalculator.getGammas()[i]; returnValue[5][(i * 3) + 0] = shapeFunctionCalculator.getDeltas()[i]; returnValue[5][(i * 3) + 2] = shapeFunctionCalculator.getBetas()[i]; } return returnValue; } /** * @param lambda * @param mue * @return */ private double[][] calculateElasticityMatrix(double lambda, double mue) { double[][] returnValue = new double[6][6]; for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++) { returnValue[i][j] = 0.0; } } double term = lambda + (2 * mue); returnValue[0][0] = term; returnValue[1][1] = term; returnValue[2][2] = term; returnValue[0][1] = lambda; returnValue[0][2] = lambda; returnValue[1][0] = lambda; returnValue[1][2] = lambda; returnValue[2][0] = lambda; returnValue[2][1] = lambda; returnValue[3][3] = mue; returnValue[4][4] = mue; returnValue[5][5] = mue; return returnValue; } private double calculateLambda(double E, double v) { return (E * v) / ((1 + v) * (1 - (2 * v))); } private double calculateMue(double E, double v) { return (E) / ((2) * (1 + (2 * v))); } private Vector getAppliedForce() { return new Vector(1, 0, 0); } private Vector getBoundaryConditions() { return new Vector(1, 0, 0); } public void loadData(TetraHedronVolumeDataPopulator meshData, int pointInConcern, double[] newPosition, double[] Force, double y, double p) { this.youngsModulus = y; this.poissonRatio = p; this.force = Force; this.newPoint = newPosition; this.pointInConcern = pointInConcern; int s1 = meshData.getTriangleNum(); int[][] s2 = meshData.getTriangleData(); int s3 = meshData.getVertexNum(); double[][] s4 = meshData.getVertex(); int id = 0; List<Point> allPoints = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < s3; i++) { allPoints.add(new Point(s4[i][0], s4[i][1], s4[i][2], i)); } for (int i = 0; i < s1; i++) { TetraHedron t = new TetraHedron(allPoints.get(s2[i][0]), allPoints.get(s2[i][1]), allPoints.get(s2[i][2]), allPoints.get(s2[i][3])); allTetrahedrons.add(t); if (s2[i][0] == pointInConcern || s2[i][1] == pointInConcern || s2[i][2] == pointInConcern || s2[i][3] == pointInConcern) { for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) { if (!idMappings.containsKey(t.getPoints()[j].getId())) { idMappings.put(t.getPoints()[j].getId(), id++); } } Point point0 = new Point(t.getPoints()[0].getX(), t.getPoints()[0].getY(), t.getPoints()[0].getZ(), idMappings.get(t.getPoints()[0].getId())); Point point1 = new Point(t.getPoints()[1].getX(), t.getPoints()[1].getY(), t.getPoints()[1].getZ(), idMappings.get(t.getPoints()[1].getId())); Point point2 = new Point(t.getPoints()[2].getX(), t.getPoints()[2].getY(), t.getPoints()[2].getZ(), idMappings.get(t.getPoints()[2].getId())); Point point3 = new Point(t.getPoints()[3].getX(), t.getPoints()[3].getY(), t.getPoints()[3].getZ(), idMappings.get(t.getPoints()[3].getId())); tetrahedrons .add(new TetraHedron(point0, point1, point2, point3)); } } } private void loadTestData() { Point p0 = new Point(-4.286024570, 7.582150460, -2.571624280, 0); Point p1 = new Point(-5.561186790, 6.248299120, -3.544672010, 1); Point p2 = new Point(-4.923605440, 6.915225030, -3.058148150, 2); Point p3 = new Point(-5.596092700, 7.658648970, -1.979978200, 3); Point p4 = new Point(-5.578639980, 6.953474040, -2.762325050, 4); Point p5 = new Point(-6.699521540, 6.046098710, -3.274888280, 5); Point p6 = new Point(-6.147807120, 6.852373600, -2.627433300, 6); Point p7 = new Point(-4.471798900, 6.164323810, -3.749437090, 7); Point p8 = new Point(-3.678542850, 8.107747080, -1.605524780, 8); Point p9 = new Point(-4.637318130, 7.883197780, -1.792751550, 9); Point p10 = new Point(-6.516149040, 4.549613000, -4.341012950, 10); Point p11 = new Point(-6.038668160, 5.398956300, -3.942842480, 11); Point p12 = new Point(-7.392597200, 6.445587640, -2.368927480, 12); Point p13 = new Point(-6.494345190, 7.052118300, -2.174452780, 13); Point p14 = new Point(-3.316689970, 7.464766030, -2.778481250, 14); Point p15 = new Point(-5.556344990, 4.681081300, -4.552515980, 15); TetraHedron t1 = new TetraHedron(p0, p1, p2, p3); TetraHedron t2 = new TetraHedron(p4, p5, p6, p7); TetraHedron t3 = new TetraHedron(p8, p9, p10, p11); TetraHedron t4 = new TetraHedron(p12, p13, p14, p15); tetrahedrons.add(t1); tetrahedrons.add(t2); tetrahedrons.add(t3); tetrahedrons.add(t4); } public double[][] multiply(double[][] A, double[][] B) { int mA = A.length; int nA = A[0].length; int mB = B.length; int nB = B[0].length; if (nA != mB) throw new RuntimeException("Illegal matrix dimensions."); double[][] C = new double[mA][nB]; for (int i = 0; i < mA; i++) for (int j = 0; j < nB; j++) for (int k = 0; k < nA; k++) C[i][j] += (A[i][k] * B[k][j]); return C; } public double[][] multiply(double[][] A, double factor) { int mA = A.length; int nA = A[0].length; double[][] result = new double[mA][nA]; for (int i = 0; i < mA; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < nA; j++) { result[i][j] = A[i][j] * factor; } } return result; } public double[][] sum(double[][] A, double[][] B) { int mA = A.length; int nA = A[0].length; int mB = B.length; int nB = B[0].length; if (mA != mB || nA != nB) { throw new RuntimeException("Matrix dimensions do not match."); } double[][] result = new double[mA][nA]; for (int i = 0; i < mA; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < nA; j++) { result[i][j] = A[i][j] + B[i][j]; } } return result; } public double[][] transpose(double[][] A) { int m = A.length; int n = A[0].length; double[][] C = new double[n][m]; for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) C[j][i] = A[i][j]; return C; } private void assemble(double[][] K, double[][] k, int i, int j, int m, int n) { i++; j++; m++; n++; K[(3 * i) - 2 - 1][(3 * i) - 2 - 1] = K[(3 * i) - 2 - 1][(3 * i) - 2 - 1] + k[1 - 1][1 - 1]; K[3 * i - 2 - 1][3 * i - 1 - 1] = K[3 * i - 2 - 1][3 * i - 1 - 1] + k[1 - 1][2 - 1]; K[3 * i - 2 - 1][3 * i - 1] = K[3 * i - 2 - 1][3 * i - 1] + k[1 - 1][3 - 1]; K[3 * i - 2 - 1][3 * j - 2 - 1] = K[3 * i - 2 - 1][3 * j - 2 - 1] + k[1 - 1][4 - 1]; K[3 * i - 2 - 1][3 * j - 1 - 1] = K[3 * i - 2 - 1][3 * j - 1 - 1] + k[1 - 1][5 - 1]; K[3 * i - 2 - 1][3 * j - 1] = K[3 * i - 2 - 1][3 * j - 1] + k[1 - 1][6 - 1]; K[3 * i - 2 - 1][3 * m - 2 - 1] = K[3 * i - 2 - 1][3 * m - 2 - 1] + k[1 - 1][7 - 1]; K[3 * i - 2 - 1][3 * m - 1 - 1] = K[3 * i - 2 - 1][3 * m - 1 - 1] + k[1 - 1][8 - 1]; K[3 * i - 2 - 1][3 * m - 1] = K[3 * i - 2 - 1][3 * m - 1] + k[1 - 1][9 - 1]; K[3 * i - 2 - 1][3 * n - 2 - 1] = K[3 * i - 2 - 1][3 * n - 2 - 1] + k[1 - 1][10 - 1]; K[3 * i - 2 - 1][3 * n - 1 - 1] = K[3 * i - 2 - 1][3 * n - 1 - 1] + k[1 - 1][11 - 1]; K[3 * i - 2 - 1][3 * n - 1] = K[3 * i - 2 - 1][3 * n - 1] + k[1 - 1][12 - 1]; K[3 * i - 1 - 1][3 * i - 2 - 1] = K[3 * i - 1 - 1][3 * i - 2 - 1] + k[2 - 1][1 - 1]; K[3 * i - 1 - 1][3 * i - 1 - 1] = K[3 * i - 1 - 1][3 * i - 1 - 1] + k[2 - 1][2 - 1]; K[3 * i - 1 - 1][3 * i - 1] = K[3 * i - 1 - 1][3 * i - 1] + k[2 - 1][3 - 1]; K[3 * i - 1 - 1][3 * j - 2 - 1] = K[3 * i - 1 - 1][3 * j - 2 - 1] + k[2 - 1][4 - 1]; K[3 * i - 1 - 1][3 * j - 1 - 1] = K[3 * i - 1 - 1][3 * j - 1 - 1] + k[2 - 1][5 - 1]; K[3 * i - 1 - 1][3 * j - 1] = K[3 * i - 1 - 1][3 * j - 1] + k[2 - 1][6 - 1]; K[3 * i - 1 - 1][3 * m - 2 - 1] = K[3 * i - 1 - 1][3 * m - 2 - 1] + k[2 - 1][7 - 1]; K[3 * i - 1 - 1][3 * m - 1 - 1] = K[3 * i - 1 - 1][3 * m - 1 - 1] + k[2 - 1][8 - 1]; K[3 * i - 1 - 1][3 * m - 1] = K[3 * i - 1 - 1][3 * m - 1] + k[2 - 1][9 - 1]; K[3 * i - 1 - 1][3 * n - 2 - 1] = K[3 * i - 1 - 1][3 * n - 2 - 1] + k[2 - 1][10 - 1]; K[3 * i - 1 - 1][3 * n - 1 - 1] = K[3 * i - 1 - 1][3 * n - 1 - 1] + k[2 - 1][11 - 1]; K[3 * i - 1 - 1][3 * n - 1] = K[3 * i - 1 - 1][3 * n - 1] + k[2 - 1][12 - 1]; K[3 * i - 1][3 * i - 2 - 1] = K[3 * i - 1][3 * i - 2 - 1] + k[3 - 1][1 - 1]; K[3 * i - 1][3 * i - 1 - 1] = K[3 * i - 1][3 * i - 1 - 1] + k[3 - 1][2 - 1]; K[3 * i - 1][3 * i - 1] = K[3 * i - 1][3 * i - 1] + k[3 - 1][3 - 1]; K[3 * i - 1][3 * j - 2 - 1] = K[3 * i - 1][3 * j - 2 - 1] + k[3 - 1][4 - 1]; K[3 * i - 1][3 * j - 1 - 1] = K[3 * i - 1][3 * j - 1 - 1] + k[3 - 1][5 - 1]; K[3 * i - 1][3 * j - 1] = K[3 * i - 1][3 * j - 1] + k[3 - 1][6 - 1]; K[3 * i - 1][3 * m - 2 - 1] = K[3 * i - 1][3 * m - 2 - 1] + k[3 - 1][7 - 1]; K[3 * i - 1][3 * m - 1 - 1] = K[3 * i - 1][3 * m - 1 - 1] + k[3 - 1][8 - 1]; K[3 * i - 1][3 * m - 1] = K[3 * i - 1][3 * m - 1] + k[3 - 1][9 - 1]; K[3 * i - 1][3 * n - 2 - 1] = K[3 * i - 1][3 * n - 2 - 1] + k[3 - 1][10 - 1]; K[3 * i - 1][3 * n - 1 - 1] = K[3 * i - 1][3 * n - 1 - 1] + k[3 - 1][11 - 1]; K[3 * i - 1][3 * n - 1] = K[3 * i - 1][3 * n - 1] + k[3 - 1][12 - 1]; K[3 * j - 2 - 1][3 * i - 2 - 1] = K[3 * j - 2 - 1][3 * i - 2 - 1] + k[4 - 1][1 - 1]; K[3 * j - 2 - 1][3 * i - 1 - 1] = K[3 * j - 2 - 1][3 * i - 1 - 1] + k[4 - 1][2 - 1]; K[3 * j - 2 - 1][3 * i - 1] = K[3 * j - 2 - 1][3 * i - 1] + k[4 - 1][3 - 1]; K[3 * j - 2 - 1][3 * j - 2 - 1] = K[3 * j - 2 - 1][3 * j - 2 - 1] + k[4 - 1][4 - 1]; K[3 * j - 2 - 1][3 * j - 1 - 1] = K[3 * j - 2 - 1][3 * j - 1 - 1] + k[4 - 1][5 - 1]; K[3 * j - 2 - 1][3 * j - 1] = K[3 * j - 2 - 1][3 * j - 1] + k[4 - 1][6 - 1]; K[3 * j - 2 - 1][3 * m - 2 - 1] = K[3 * j - 2 - 1][3 * m - 2 - 1] + k[4 - 1][7 - 1]; K[3 * j - 2 - 1][3 * m - 1 - 1] = K[3 * j - 2 - 1][3 * m - 1 - 1] + k[4 - 1][8 - 1]; K[3 * j - 2 - 1][3 * m - 1] = K[3 * j - 2 - 1][3 * m - 1] + k[4 - 1][9 - 1]; K[3 * j - 2 - 1][3 * n - 2 - 1] = K[3 * j - 2 - 1][3 * n - 2 - 1] + k[4 - 1][10 - 1]; K[3 * j - 2 - 1][3 * n - 1 - 1] = K[3 * j - 2 - 1][3 * n - 1 - 1] + k[4 - 1][11 - 1]; K[3 * j - 2 - 1][3 * n - 1] = K[3 * j - 2 - 1][3 * n - 1] + k[4 - 1][12 - 1]; K[3 * j - 1 - 1][3 * i - 2 - 1] = K[3 * j - 1 - 1][3 * i - 2 - 1] + k[5 - 1][1 - 1]; K[3 * j - 1 - 1][3 * i - 1 - 1] = K[3 * j - 1 - 1][3 * i - 1 - 1] + k[5 - 1][2 - 1]; K[3 * j - 1 - 1][3 * i - 1] = K[3 * j - 1 - 1][3 * i - 1] + k[5 - 1][3 - 1]; K[3 * j - 1 - 1][3 * j - 2 - 1] = K[3 * j - 1 - 1][3 * j - 2 - 1] + k[5 - 1][4 - 1]; K[3 * j - 1 - 1][3 * j - 1 - 1] = K[3 * j - 1 - 1][3 * j - 1 - 1] + k[5 - 1][5 - 1]; K[3 * j - 1 - 1][3 * j - 1] = K[3 * j - 1 - 1][3 * j - 1] + k[5 - 1][6 - 1]; K[3 * j - 1 - 1][3 * m - 2 - 1] = K[3 * j - 1 - 1][3 * m - 2 - 1] + k[5 - 1][7 - 1]; K[3 * j - 1 - 1][3 * m - 1 - 1] = K[3 * j - 1 - 1][3 * m - 1 - 1] + k[5 - 1][8 - 1]; K[3 * j - 1 - 1][3 * m - 1] = K[3 * j - 1 - 1][3 * m - 1] + k[5 - 1][9 - 1]; K[3 * j - 1 - 1][3 * n - 2 - 1] = K[3 * j - 1 - 1][3 * n - 2 - 1] + k[5 - 1][10 - 1]; K[3 * j - 1 - 1][3 * n - 1 - 1] = K[3 * j - 1 - 1][3 * n - 1 - 1] + k[5 - 1][11 - 1]; K[3 * j - 1 - 1][3 * n - 1] = K[3 * j - 1 - 1][3 * n - 1] + k[5 - 1][12 - 1]; K[3 * j - 1][3 * i - 2 - 1] = K[3 * j - 1][3 * i - 2 - 1] + k[6 - 1][1 - 1]; K[3 * j - 1][3 * i - 1 - 1] = K[3 * j - 1][3 * i - 1 - 1] + k[6 - 1][2 - 1]; K[3 * j - 1][3 * i - 1] = K[3 * j - 1][3 * i - 1] + k[6 - 1][3 - 1]; K[3 * j - 1][3 * j - 2 - 1] = K[3 * j - 1][3 * j - 2 - 1] + k[6 - 1][4 - 1]; K[3 * j - 1][3 * j - 1 - 1] = K[3 * j - 1][3 * j - 1 - 1] + k[6 - 1][5 - 1]; K[3 * j - 1][3 * j - 1] = K[3 * j - 1][3 * j - 1] + k[6 - 1][6 - 1]; K[3 * j - 1][3 * m - 2 - 1] = K[3 * j - 1][3 * m - 2 - 1] + k[6 - 1][7 - 1]; K[3 * j - 1][3 * m - 1 - 1] = K[3 * j - 1][3 * m - 1 - 1] + k[6 - 1][8 - 1]; K[3 * j - 1][3 * m - 1] = K[3 * j - 1][3 * m - 1] + k[6 - 1][9 - 1]; K[3 * j - 1][3 * n - 2 - 1] = K[3 * j - 1][3 * n - 2 - 1] + k[6 - 1][10 - 1]; K[3 * j - 1][3 * n - 1 - 1] = K[3 * j - 1][3 * n - 1 - 1] + k[6 - 1][11 - 1]; K[3 * j - 1][3 * n - 1] = K[3 * j - 1][3 * n - 1] + k[6 - 1][12 - 1]; K[3 * m - 2 - 1][3 * i - 2 - 1] = K[3 * m - 2 - 1][3 * i - 2 - 1] + k[7 - 1][1 - 1]; K[3 * m - 2 - 1][3 * i - 1 - 1] = K[3 * m - 2 - 1][3 * i - 1 - 1] + k[7 - 1][2 - 1]; K[3 * m - 2 - 1][3 * i - 1] = K[3 * m - 2 - 1][3 * i - 1] + k[7 - 1][3 - 1]; K[3 * m - 2 - 1][3 * j - 2 - 1] = K[3 * m - 2 - 1][3 * j - 2 - 1] + k[7 - 1][4 - 1]; K[3 * m - 2 - 1][3 * j - 1 - 1] = K[3 * m - 2 - 1][3 * j - 1 - 1] + k[7 - 1][5 - 1]; K[3 * m - 2 - 1][3 * j - 1] = K[3 * m - 2 - 1][3 * j - 1] + k[7 - 1][6 - 1]; K[3 * m - 2 - 1][3 * m - 2 - 1] = K[3 * m - 2 - 1][3 * m - 2 - 1] + k[7 - 1][7 - 1]; K[3 * m - 2 - 1][3 * m - 1 - 1] = K[3 * m - 2 - 1][3 * m - 1 - 1] + k[7 - 1][8 - 1]; K[3 * m - 2 - 1][3 * m - 1] = K[3 * m - 2 - 1][3 * m - 1] + k[7 - 1][9 - 1]; K[3 * m - 2 - 1][3 * n - 2 - 1] = K[3 * m - 2 - 1][3 * n - 2 - 1] + k[7 - 1][10 - 1]; K[3 * m - 2 - 1][3 * n - 1 - 1] = K[3 * m - 2 - 1][3 * n - 1 - 1] + k[7 - 1][11 - 1]; K[3 * m - 2 - 1][3 * n - 1] = K[3 * m - 2 - 1][3 * n - 1] + k[7 - 1][12 - 1]; K[3 * m - 1 - 1][3 * i - 2 - 1] = K[3 * m - 1 - 1][3 * i - 2 - 1] + k[8 - 1][1 - 1]; K[3 * m - 1 - 1][3 * i - 1 - 1] = K[3 * m - 1 - 1][3 * i - 1 - 1] + k[8 - 1][2 - 1]; K[3 * m - 1 - 1][3 * i - 1] = K[3 * m - 1 - 1][3 * i - 1] + k[8 - 1][3 - 1]; K[3 * m - 1 - 1][3 * j - 2 - 1] = K[3 * m - 1 - 1][3 * j - 2 - 1] + k[8 - 1][4 - 1]; K[3 * m - 1 - 1][3 * j - 1 - 1] = K[3 * m - 1 - 1][3 * j - 1 - 1] + k[8 - 1][5 - 1]; K[3 * m - 1 - 1][3 * j - 1] = K[3 * m - 1 - 1][3 * j - 1] + k[8 - 1][6 - 1]; K[3 * m - 1 - 1][3 * m - 2 - 1] = K[3 * m - 1 - 1][3 * m - 2 - 1] + k[8 - 1][7 - 1]; K[3 * m - 1 - 1][3 * m - 1 - 1] = K[3 * m - 1 - 1][3 * m - 1 - 1] + k[8 - 1][8 - 1]; K[3 * m - 1 - 1][3 * m - 1] = K[3 * m - 1 - 1][3 * m - 1] + k[8 - 1][9 - 1]; K[3 * m - 1 - 1][3 * n - 2 - 1] = K[3 * m - 1 - 1][3 * n - 2 - 1] + k[8 - 1][10 - 1]; K[3 * m - 1 - 1][3 * n - 1 - 1] = K[3 * m - 1 - 1][3 * n - 1 - 1] + k[8 - 1][11 - 1]; K[3 * m - 1 - 1][3 * n - 1] = K[3 * m - 1 - 1][3 * n - 1] + k[8 - 1][12 - 1]; K[3 * m - 1][3 * i - 2 - 1] = K[3 * m - 1][3 * i - 2 - 1] + k[9 - 1][1 - 1]; K[3 * m - 1][3 * i - 1 - 1] = K[3 * m - 1][3 * i - 1 - 1] + k[9 - 1][2 - 1]; K[3 * m - 1][3 * i - 1] = K[3 * m - 1][3 * i - 1] + k[9 - 1][3 - 1]; K[3 * m - 1][3 * j - 2 - 1] = K[3 * m - 1][3 * j - 2 - 1] + k[9 - 1][4 - 1]; K[3 * m - 1][3 * j - 1 - 1] = K[3 * m - 1][3 * j - 1 - 1] + k[9 - 1][5 - 1]; K[3 * m - 1][3 * j - 1] = K[3 * m - 1][3 * j - 1] + k[9 - 1][6 - 1]; K[3 * m - 1][3 * m - 2 - 1] = K[3 * m - 1][3 * m - 2 - 1] + k[9 - 1][7 - 1]; K[3 * m - 1][3 * m - 1 - 1] = K[3 * m - 1][3 * m - 1 - 1] + k[9 - 1][8 - 1]; K[3 * m - 1][3 * m - 1] = K[3 * m - 1][3 * m - 1] + k[9 - 1][9 - 1]; K[3 * m - 1][3 * n - 2 - 1] = K[3 * m - 1][3 * n - 2 - 1] + k[9 - 1][10 - 1]; K[3 * m - 1][3 * n - 1 - 1] = K[3 * m - 1][3 * n - 1 - 1] + k[9 - 1][11 - 1]; K[3 * m - 1][3 * n - 1] = K[3 * m - 1][3 * n - 1] + k[9 - 1][12 - 1]; K[3 * n - 2 - 1][3 * i - 2 - 1] = K[3 * n - 2 - 1][3 * i - 2 - 1] + k[10 - 1][1 - 1]; K[3 * n - 2 - 1][3 * i - 1 - 1] = K[3 * n - 2 - 1][3 * i - 1 - 1] + k[10 - 1][2 - 1]; K[3 * n - 2 - 1][3 * i - 1] = K[3 * n - 2 - 1][3 * i - 1] + k[10 - 1][3 - 1]; K[3 * n - 2 - 1][3 * j - 2 - 1] = K[3 * n - 2 - 1][3 * j - 2 - 1] + k[10 - 1][4 - 1]; K[3 * n - 2 - 1][3 * j - 1 - 1] = K[3 * n - 2 - 1][3 * j - 1 - 1] + k[10 - 1][5 - 1]; K[3 * n - 2 - 1][3 * j - 1] = K[3 * n - 2 - 1][3 * j - 1] + k[10 - 1][6 - 1]; K[3 * n - 2 - 1][3 * m - 2 - 1] = K[3 * n - 2 - 1][3 * m - 2 - 1] + k[10 - 1][7 - 1]; K[3 * n - 2 - 1][3 * m - 1 - 1] = K[3 * n - 2 - 1][3 * m - 1 - 1] + k[10 - 1][8 - 1]; K[3 * n - 2 - 1][3 * m - 1] = K[3 * n - 2 - 1][3 * m - 1] + k[10 - 1][9 - 1]; K[3 * n - 2 - 1][3 * n - 2 - 1] = K[3 * n - 2 - 1][3 * n - 2 - 1] + k[10 - 1][10 - 1]; K[3 * n - 2 - 1][3 * n - 1 - 1] = K[3 * n - 2 - 1][3 * n - 1 - 1] + k[10 - 1][11 - 1]; K[3 * n - 2 - 1][3 * n - 1] = K[3 * n - 2 - 1][3 * n - 1] + k[10 - 1][12 - 1]; K[3 * n - 1 - 1][3 * i - 2 - 1] = K[3 * n - 1 - 1][3 * i - 2 - 1] + k[11 - 1][1 - 1]; K[3 * n - 1 - 1][3 * i - 1 - 1] = K[3 * n - 1 - 1][3 * i - 1 - 1] + k[11 - 1][2 - 1]; K[3 * n - 1 - 1][3 * i - 1] = K[3 * n - 1 - 1][3 * i - 1] + k[11 - 1][3 - 1]; K[3 * n - 1 - 1][3 * j - 2 - 1] = K[3 * n - 1 - 1][3 * j - 2 - 1] + k[11 - 1][4 - 1]; K[3 * n - 1 - 1][3 * j - 1 - 1] = K[3 * n - 1 - 1][3 * j - 1 - 1] + k[11 - 1][5 - 1]; K[3 * n - 1 - 1][3 * j - 1] = K[3 * n - 1 - 1][3 * j - 1] + k[11 - 1][6 - 1]; K[3 * n - 1 - 1][3 * m - 2 - 1] = K[3 * n - 1 - 1][3 * m - 2 - 1] + k[11 - 1][7 - 1]; K[3 * n - 1 - 1][3 * m - 1 - 1] = K[3 * n - 1 - 1][3 * m - 1 - 1] + k[11 - 1][8 - 1]; K[3 * n - 1 - 1][3 * m - 1] = K[3 * n - 1 - 1][3 * m - 1] + k[11 - 1][9 - 1]; K[3 * n - 1 - 1][3 * n - 2 - 1] = K[3 * n - 1 - 1][3 * n - 2 - 1] + k[11 - 1][10 - 1]; K[3 * n - 1 - 1][3 * n - 1 - 1] = K[3 * n - 1 - 1][3 * n - 1 - 1] + k[11 - 1][11 - 1]; K[3 * n - 1 - 1][3 * n - 1] = K[3 * n - 1 - 1][3 * n - 1] + k[11 - 1][12 - 1]; K[3 * n - 1][3 * i - 2 - 1] = K[3 * n - 1][3 * i - 2 - 1] + k[12 - 1][1 - 1]; K[3 * n - 1][3 * i - 1 - 1] = K[3 * n - 1][3 * i - 1 - 1] + k[12 - 1][2 - 1]; K[3 * n - 1][3 * i - 1] = K[3 * n - 1][3 * i - 1] + k[12 - 1][3 - 1]; K[3 * n - 1][3 * j - 2 - 1] = K[3 * n - 1][3 * j - 2 - 1] + k[12 - 1][4 - 1]; K[3 * n - 1][3 * j - 1 - 1] = K[3 * n - 1][3 * j - 1 - 1] + k[12 - 1][5 - 1]; K[3 * n - 1][3 * j - 1] = K[3 * n - 1][3 * j - 1] + k[12 - 1][6 - 1]; K[3 * n - 1][3 * m - 2 - 1] = K[3 * n - 1][3 * m - 2 - 1] + k[12 - 1][7 - 1]; K[3 * n - 1][3 * m - 1 - 1] = K[3 * n - 1][3 * m - 1 - 1] + k[12 - 1][8 - 1]; K[3 * n - 1][3 * m - 1] = K[3 * n - 1][3 * m - 1] + k[12 - 1][9 - 1]; K[3 * n - 1][3 * n - 2 - 1] = K[3 * n - 1][3 * n - 2 - 1] + k[12 - 1][10 - 1]; K[3 * n - 1][3 * n - 1 - 1] = K[3 * n - 1][3 * n - 1 - 1] + k[12 - 1][11 - 1]; K[3 * n - 1][3 * n - 1] = K[3 * n - 1][3 * n - 1] + k[12 - 1][12 - 1]; } public void display() { XYDataset[] datasets = createDataset(); JFreeChart[] charts = new JFreeChart[] { createChart(datasets[0]), createChart(datasets[1]), createChart(datasets[2]) }; System.out.println("___________________-"); JPanel panel = new JPanel(); JTabbedPane tab = new JTabbedPane(); ChartPanel chartPanel1 = new ChartPanel(charts[0]); chartPanel1.setPreferredSize(new java.awt.Dimension(1000, 300)); ChartPanel chartPanel2 = new ChartPanel(charts[1]); chartPanel2.setPreferredSize(new java.awt.Dimension(1000, 300)); ChartPanel chartPanel3 = new ChartPanel(charts[2]); chartPanel3.setPreferredSize(new java.awt.Dimension(1000, 300)); JPanel testPanel1 = new JPanel(); testPanel1.add(chartPanel1); JPanel testPanel2 = new JPanel(); testPanel2.add(chartPanel2); JPanel testPanel3 = new JPanel(); testPanel3.add(chartPanel3); tab.add(testPanel1, "Stress vs Strain"); tab.add(testPanel2, "Force vs Displacement"); tab.add(testPanel3, "Force vs Time"); panel.add(tab); setContentPane(panel); pack(); setVisible(true); } } |
You should call loadTestData() or loadData(), otherwise there are no data to treat and you get this exception.
By the way, your program doesn't use Java3D, I don't get why you post here.
Julien Gouesse | Personal blog | Website
In reply to this post by tamb20
This is not a JOGL problem.
The error message indicates that your assumptions about the array lengths are wrong, on line 362 in your source you index outside an array that you send in. |
In reply to this post by gouessej
Thank you.
You are write. in this java class code Java3D dose not exist, however, in the main class I use java3D. Also, Jogl I use it with main class, which I did not presented here. By the way, I use a set button to assign the data to do the calculation process, however, I forgot to press it :). Thank you. |
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