Help me get started with video playback on Raspberry Pi

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Help me get started with video playback on Raspberry Pi


I'm new to this forum and JogAmp. I understand I could use some of the JogAmp project's libraries to decode video files with support for hardware accelerated decoding (OMAX) on the Raspberry Pi. I have seen that one needs this, as omxplayer can play back videos without stuttering, whereas standard VLC build cannot.

I will be writing an application in Scala, so I am looking for a JVM library that is efficient enough. I haven't understood yet which artifact from the JogAmp project I will need, if there is some library in Maven Central I can link to, or how it works. How will it pick up the platform specific backends (e.g. I'm develop on Linux desktop and deploy on the Raspberry Pi with Raspbian).

Are there any example projects that show how to read in an h264 file frame by frame and display it? I will need to apply some basic filtering, such as fading in and fading out to black, seeking to different positions within the video, etc.

Your help is greatly appreciated.

Best, ..h.h..
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Re: Help me get started with video playback on Raspberry Pi


You can use jogamp-fat.jar as a first step, JOGL uses automated native library loading by default, it will extract and load the proper native libraries.

For Maven, maybe my pom file can be useful for you:

You can use jogl-all.jar with gluegen-rt.jar instead of jogamp-fat.jar if you need to use only the JARs on Maven Central, the artefacts jogl-all-main and gluegen-rt-main should be enough.
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