I'm preparing to release a software tool for a community of scientific researchers. Everything will be open source, and I will be hosting the code on a repository. I would like to bundle the versions of the JOGL libraries used by my software on the repository, as it will greatly simplify the setup process for users of my software. I checked out the license for JOGL already, and it seems that what I want to do is okay, but I figured it doesn't hurt to ask! Thanks, Justin |
On Saturday, February 05, 2011 00:46:05 JStoecker [via jogamp] wrote:
> > Hi, > > I'm preparing to release a software tool for a community of scientific > researchers. Everything will be open source, and I will be hosting the code > on a repository. I would like to bundle the versions of the JOGL libraries > used by my software on the repository, as it will greatly simplify the setup > process for users of my software. I checked out the license for JOGL > already, and it seems that what I want to do is okay, but I figured it > doesn't hurt to ask! you are all set, just add the LICENSE.txt files for gluegen/jogl. maybe you like to show us your URL .. so we can add it somewhere. > > Thanks, > Justin Thank you Justin ~Sven |
In reply to this post by JStoecker
Hi Justin,
thats correct, all jogamp libs are open source and freely distributable. Just link back to our page or write a blog entry to make us happy... :) best regards, michael On 02/05/2011 12:46 AM, JStoecker [via jogamp] wrote: > Hi, > > I'm preparing to release a software tool for a community of scientific > researchers. Everything will be open source, and I will be hosting the code > on a repository. I would like to bundle the versions of the JOGL libraries > used by my software on the repository, as it will greatly simplify the setup > process for users of my software. I checked out the license for JOGL > already, and it seems that what I want to do is okay, but I figured it > doesn't hurt to ask! > > Thanks, > Justin > > _______________________________________________ > If you reply to this email, your message will be added to the discussion below: > http://jogamp.762907.n3.nabble.com/Hosting-JOGL-libraries-on-public-repository-tp2428329p2428329.html > To start a new topic under jogamp, email [hidden email] > To unsubscribe from jogamp, visit http://michael-bien.com/ |
In reply to this post by JStoecker
Which scientific researchers do you target with your software solution? I work as an engineer/researcher in computer science in an institute of petrochemistry and maybe I could be interested in your solution ;)
Julien Gouesse | Personal blog | Website
I'm a graduate student in CS and my focus is graphics and visualization, so I work with many groups (geophysics, biology, and our own AI group). My master's thesis also uses JOGL (visualizing seismic data from the Haiti earthquake), which I'm finishing up this semester.
This project is the first one I'm really releasing as a public tool. It's for the simulation league of RoboCup (http://www.robocup.org/) and (http://www.robocup2011.org/en/). I'll provide you with a link to this project probably by the end of this week as we make sure everything is polished and ready. |
Here's a link to the project webpage: https://sites.google.com/site/umroboviz/
A little more background info about the domain of the project can be found here: http://www.robocup.org/about-robocup/objective/ This particular program is for the 3D league which consists of teams of researchers from universities that develop soccer-playing robots that run in a simulation representing the physical robot leagues. If the players seem dumb, it's because there is full physics, motor control, image processing / computer vision, higher order reasoning, etc. |
Nice! This really looks awesome
![]() Just added ur Youtube videos to our streams page. Keep up the good work ![]() |
In reply to this post by JStoecker
This looks pretty incredible!
![]() |
In reply to this post by JStoecker
this not only looks good, it looks like a lot of fun :)
If i understood that correctly its a renderer for the Robocup challange. Is the Robocup by itself also executed in java? (esp the robots) As i was at school i did something similar (but much much simpler) for robocode (http://robocode.sourceforge.net/): http://old.robowiki.net/robowiki?Robocode_3D small nitpick: please enable anti aliasing for the screenshots next time ;) best regards, michael -- - - - - http://michael-bien.com |
Thanks guys.
Yes, it's a renderer for simulated games. There is a simulation server that runs in a separate process (C++), but it allows "monitors" to connect over a network and receive the scene graph. Teams then write the code for their robots (in any language) which are all completely autonomous and network with the server. Most teams use C++ in their robots because the idea is they can port their code over to the physical robots. No need to worry about frying your motors in the simulation, though. :) Michael, I agree completely on the AA. I still can't get multisampling to work for me using Linux 64 bit (works under Windows though); maybe its a graphics driver issue with ATI. It wouldn't actually matter too much at this point, though, because I haven't implemented multisampling with FBOs yet (so its a choice between bloom or FSAA). |
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