How does the "streams" section work?

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How does the "streams" section work?


How does the "streams" section work? I would like to put one of my video into it except if any moderator sees this as a problem. One of them has been seen more than 15 000 times on Youtube:
Julien Gouesse | Personal blog | Website
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Re: How does the "streams" section work?

Demoscene Passivist
>How does the "streams" section work?

The streams section is automatically build from my and michael's youtube favorites and a couple of other rss sources by the glorious, never again reached Hungry-Harry.

>I would like to put one of my video into it except if any moderator sees this as a problem.

I've added it to the feed. So it should pop up in the streams section in a couple of hours. But as the video is from 2008 I guess it will be quite far down in the pages. Maybe u should upload a more recent version to get at the top of the list :) Anyway feel free to drop me or michael a line here or in the chat if u want stg else added to the streams section.
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Re: How does the "streams" section work?

Thank you very much. I will upload a better video when JFPSM and TUER are closer to the release candidate. Currently there are still too much things to implement to get a working game. The video shows the version which uses my own engine whereas I switched to Ardor3D several years ago and I have still not succeeded in porting all existing features.
Julien Gouesse | Personal blog | Website