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are you saying that with perspective, I am able to follow a non-normalized coordinate system.
For instance for ortho the coordinates are always normalized so to change the [size] of the geometry you have to multiply the scale matrix with the transform matrix, right?
and so, now as you explain, with the perspective matrix instead, I am able to follow a coordinate system where the length of the vector at each vertex is what determines the size of the geometry.
For instance a square under perspective with coordinates {-100, -100}, {100, -100}, {100, 100}, {-100, -100} would draw a square of 200 pixels wide and 200 pixels tall, right?
But I have a problem with the literature that I am reading, they all seem to show ortho transformation and I need to know the basic setup of a perspective transformation that I can draw.
Could you give me an example with perspective using coordinates like in the example above.
And can you tell me, does using perspective projection in for your geometry, does that put more work or is it a performance issue with this projection?