Is it possible to get Oracle to sign the JogAmp Java extension?

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Is it possible to get Oracle to sign the JogAmp Java extension?

Jon Kristensen
Hello people,

I'm considering developing a 3D engine and a game using JogAmp. One problem that I have encountered is that the end-user must accept that the JogAmp Java extension is installed upon launching the application. This will scare some people but would be a whole lot better if Oracle was the entity to trust (instead of as it is now, JogAmp). Most end-users have no idea what JogAmp is and whether or not it's reliable.

Is it possible to get Oracle to sign the JogAmp Java extension?

How can we proceed?

Warm regards,
Jon Kristensen
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Re: Is it possible to get Oracle to sign the JogAmp Java extension?

Michael Bien
Its unlikely that Oracle starts signing software which is developed outside oracle. If you are planing to develop an engine (or game) you have of course always the choice to re-sign jogamp libs with your own certificate. If the end-user trusts your engine (s)he must also trust all libs the engine uses...

the jogamp certificate is basically only an solution we provide for convenience reasons.

best regards,

On 07/19/2010 03:51 PM, Jon Kristensen [via jogamp] wrote:
Hello people,

I'm considering developing a 3D engine and a game using JogAmp. One problem that I have encountered is that the end-user must accept that the JogAmp Java extension is installed upon launching the application. This will scare some people but would be a whole lot better if Oracle was the entity to trust (instead of as it is now, JogAmp). Most end-users have no idea what JogAmp is and whether or not it's reliable.

Is it possible to get Oracle to sign the JogAmp Java extension?

How can we proceed?

Warm regards,
Jon Kristensen