when I execute my JOGL SWT Newt example with the latest JOGL built on MacOSX I see a wrong size and location calculation of the NewtCanvas, see screenshot below:

Example Source as Eclipse project with libraries here (Main class = newt.JOGL2NewtSWTDemo):
https://github.com/Bio7/Jogl/tree/master/JoglMacBugIt seems as if the width and the height of the newt canvas is still in JOGL 2.4 exactly twice as big as the parent swt canvas size (Retina related - wrong scaled coordinates and size?). In 2.3.2 I changed the NewtCanvasSWT class and used the internal
DPIUtil class to calculate the correct layout.
Also the top left 0,0 coordinates seems to be wrong (besides overlapping bug described in
bug 1378).
Is there a way how I can change the size and origin of the NewtCanvasSWT at startup and runtime (API method) without changing the source of the NewtCanvasSWT class?
I tried, e.g., setSize method to no avail.