JOGL/Rift/jocular - Exception in thread "main-Display-.windows_tiny-1-EDT-1"

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Re: JOGL/Rift/jocular - Exception in thread "main-Display-.windows_tiny-1-EDT-1"

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Why not looking at Sven's code to check whether your "approach" is viable?
Julien Gouesse | Personal blog | Website
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Re: JOGL/Rift/JOVR - Exception in thread "main-Display-.windows_tiny-1-EDT-1"

gouessej wrote
Why not looking at Sven's code to check whether your "approach" is viable?
I've been through what unit tests I can find that seem to be about NEWT, and some demos.  But for example, it was only by chance I stumbled over a forum posting about using the Screen.addReference() call.  Also the setFullscreen only worked on the second (rift) monitor when I found the MonitorDevice list option.  So I just feel like I'm having to guess a lot of what I'm doing.  So I'm worried I may be missing some steps, or have something out of sequence.  

I know someone has something similar working with NewtCanvasAWT, and the original JOVR demo works but is using LWJGL.  So I'm pretty sure that what I'm trying to do should be possible, and I'm trying to apply a lot of the same techniques in my code, but it seems I need some guidance from the experts to get me on the right track again :)

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Re: JOGL/Rift/jocular - Exception in thread "main-Display-.windows_tiny-1-EDT-1"

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Did you look at the stereo renderer as Sven suggested? JOGL will get some support of DK2 in the future anyway.

When I started porting Ardor3D to JOGL 2, Renanse told me that I would have to be a JOGL "champion" for this task, I wouldn't have done it if I wasn't an expert. I'm responsible for engine support, it is time consuming. If supporting JOVR with JOGL is too difficult for you even with our advices, maybe you should give up.

Talking about our main competitor (L***L) doesn't really encourage me to help you and as far as I know, JogAmp has some build-in support of DK1 without JNA and JOVR unlike the other set of bindings. In my humble opinion, it would be better for the community to add DK2 support into JOGL itself rather than using JOVR and I will ask its creator to rename his API as I'm fed up with the confusion with our APIs.
Julien Gouesse | Personal blog | Website
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Re: JOGL/Rift/jocular - Exception in thread "main-Display-.windows_tiny-1-EDT-1"

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In reply to this post by BrickFarmer
Please stop using the term JOVR. This API is called jocular.
Julien Gouesse | Personal blog | Website