JOGL Setup Help needed

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JOGL Setup Help needed

I have just tried to setup JOGL. I have been following the instructions at

After downloading and extracting the files I run etc/test.bat as suggested but the following appears in the log Error: Could not find or load main class com.jogamp.newt.opengl.GLWindow

I can't find any instructions on what to do if the downloaded files don't work or why they might not be working.

Can anyone please provide insight into this?
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Re: JOGL Setup Help needed

Borok wrote
I have just tried to setup JOGL. I have been following the instructions at

After downloading and extracting the files I run etc/test.bat as suggested but the following appears in the log Error: Could not find or load main class com.jogamp.newt.opengl.GLWindow

I can't find any instructions on what to do if the downloaded files don't work or why they might not be working.

Can anyone please provide insight into this?
I don't have windows so I can't test but looking at the BAT-file it looks like this:

set BLD_DIR=jar
set CP_ALL=.;%BLD_DIR%\gluegen-rt.jar;%BLD_DIR%\jogl-all.jar

So maybe you are not standing in the correct directory when running it? You should have as current directory the one above the 'etc' and 'jar' directories.