JOGL and Retained Mode

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JOGL and Retained Mode

For the life of me I haven't been able to find a tutorial on using JOGL retained mode.
Does anyone know if JOGL supports Retained Mode and if there are any examples/tutorials out there?

Thank you

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Re: JOGL and Retained Mode

Hi Ted,

you may want to take a look to some of my projects:

- hello triangle

- porting of "Learning Modern 3D Graphic"

- porting of oglDev (incomplete)

- porting of opengl-samples
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Re: JOGL and Retained Mode

In reply to this post by ted_gress

ted_gress wrote
Does anyone know if JOGL supports Retained Mode
JOGL is mostly a Java binding for the OpenGL / OpenGL ES API. Therefore, as OpenGL and OpenGL ES have supported the retained mode for years, JOGL has supported it too since its birth. The retained mode was already in OpenGL in 1995, years before the creation of JOGL. Your question is very strange.

The examples of the OpenGL Red Book have been ported to JOGL, you can find them on Github in the project "jogl-demos". Using OpenGL tutorials whose code is written in C isn't a big deal once you understand how to port them to JOGL.
Julien Gouesse | Personal blog | Website
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Re: JOGL and Retained Mode

Hi Julien,

There are multiple entries for JOGL on GitHub. To which are you referring?


On Jun 7, 2016, at 7:37 AM, gouessej [via jogamp] <[hidden email]> wrote:


ted_gress wrote
Does anyone know if JOGL supports Retained Mode
JOGL is mostly a Java binding for the OpenGL / OpenGL ES API. Therefore, as OpenGL and OpenGL ES have supported the retained mode for years, JOGL has supported it too since its birth. The retained mode was already in OpenGL in 1995, years before the creation of JOGL. Your question is very strange.

The examples of the OpenGL Red Book have been ported to JOGL, you can find them on Github in the project "jogl-demos". Using OpenGL tutorials whose code is written in C isn't a big deal once you understand how to port them to JOGL.

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Re: JOGL and Retained Mode
