JOGL being taught horribly wrong in a university

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JOGL being taught horribly wrong in a university

Hello folks,
I'm a student from a university (I prefer to keep the name hidden for private reasons), I'm currently a 3rd stage student studying Computer Graphics & Vision (JOGL) as one of my primary lectures.
However the overall teaching of JOGL is totally wrong, as the teacher (who is supposed to have a MSc. degree) is destroying us with probably the oldest and buggiest version of JOGL (v2.0) and even without using an IDE (Using Textpad), so I'm really desperate with my college and university as well as it has been going so for about 10 years now without any change ! not even a simple change, as a college student I can't really stand still and not do anything about this as this is one of the most important and fun area in programming (at least to me), so I'm here seeking for help and where would I be able to do ANYTHING about this, is it even possible to do anything to force them to teach the most recent version of JOGL and actually use IDE's  as it is supposed to be?

and I would really appreciate a word from the officials of JOGL on this as I'm planning to start a campaign on this in my university because this is not the only lecture we are getting ruined by.
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Re: JOGL being taught horribly wrong in a university

The best advice I could give you is to just seat in the class and just chill out. If you don't like the way the professor is teaching it, then you could discuss it with Academic Advisement. But then again, I don't know with your university has such a department. I know mine school has an Academic Advisement department, where students can bring up academic issues for appeal.

Tell Academic Advisement that your professor is not teaching the subject accordingly to the current JOGL standard and that you would like to either have the professor update the material or to have you removed from the class without academic penalty. If it is too late to do that, well sorry bro. Good luck with that.
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Re: JOGL being taught horribly wrong in a university

In reply to this post by LFK
Well, I don't think forcing can bring usually results, because your professor should understand and agree rather than feeling forced to do something like that.

I'd probably focus on making the "jump" to the updated and recent jogl as most attractive and easiest as possible

For example we could give an hand by helping updating the material and showing modern samples ( I am still working on the very last ones)
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Re: JOGL being taught horribly wrong in a university

In reply to this post by LFK

JOGL 2.0 wasn't the buggiest version of JOGL but it's obviously obsolete and using it is disturbing as it's not maintained and it doesn't match with the version used in our tutorial.

Actually, not using an IDE at the very beginning of the learning is a good idea to me as it forces you to understand what happens underneath before benefiting of the ease provided by the integrated development environments so that you're not their slave, you know what to do when something doesn't work as expected in Eclipse, Netbeans, ... but I hope that your teachers use some IDEs later as mine did (we used IDEs in Master degree but not in License/Bachelor).

I can try to do something to help you to encourage your teachers to use the latest version of JOGL. You can contact me in private if you want, I'll do my best.
Julien Gouesse | Personal blog | Website