Hi :)
I'd like to switch to JOGL2 but I got some problems on some computers with ATI drivers I tested and I had to switch back to JOGL 1.1. Sometimes drivers updates fix the problems and sometimes not and I wonder if there is a way to manually modify the JOGL initialisation. Problem seems to appears while the pixel format is defined. Here is initialisation code : ________________________ // JOGL2 GLProfile.initSingleton(true); GLProfile glp = GLProfile.getDefault(); GLCapabilities caps = new GLCapabilities(glp); canvas = new GLCanvas(caps); _________________________ Here is a sample of the VM log : ________________________________ Stack: [0x03710000,0x03760000], sp=0x0375f20c, free space=13c0375ed40k Native frames: (J=compiled Java code, j=interpreted, Vv=VM code, C=native code) C [atioglx1.dll+0x422ae6] j jogamp.opengl.windows.wgl.WGLExtImpl.dispatch_wglChoosePixelFormatARB1(JLjava/lang/Object;IZLjava/lang/Object;IZILjava/lang/Object;IZLjava/lang/Object;IZJ)Z+0 j jogamp.opengl.windows.wgl.WGLExtImpl.wglChoosePixelFormatARB(J[II[FII[II[II)Z+287 j jogamp.opengl.windows.wgl.WindowsWGLGraphicsConfiguration.wglChoosePixelFormatARB(JLjogamp/opengl/windows/wgl/WindowsWGLDrawableFactory$SharedResource;Ljavax/media/opengl/GLCapabilitiesImmutable;[II[F)[I+86 j jogamp.opengl.windows.wgl.WindowsWGLGraphicsConfigurationFactory.updateGraphicsConfigurationARB(JZLjogamp/opengl/windows/wgl/WindowsWGLGraphicsConfiguration;Ljavax/media/nativewindow/CapabilitiesChooser;Ljogamp/opengl/windows/wgl/WindowsWGLDrawableFactory;[I)Z+249 _____________________________________________ and here is a sample of the debug output : ______________________________________________ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WindowsGraphicsDevice[type Windows, connection decon]: GLAvailability[Native[GL4bc false, GL4 false, GL3bc false, GL3 false, GL2 true[1.5 (compatibility profile, any, old)], GL2ES1 true, GLES1 false, GL2ES2 true, GLES2 false], Profiles[GLProfile[GL2ES2/GL2], GLProfile[GL2ES1/GL2], GLProfile[GL2/GL2], GLProfile[GL2/GL2], GLProfile[GL2GL3/GL2], , default GLProfile[GL2/GL2]]] Swap Interval -1 GL Profile GLProfile[GL2/GL2] CTX VERSION 1.3 (compatibility profile, any, old) - 1.3.1006 WinXP Release GL jogamp.opengl.gl4.GL4bcImpl@578ceb GL_VENDOR ATI Technologies Inc. GL_VERSION 1.3.1006 WinXP Release GL_EXTENSIONS GL_ARB_multitexture GL_EXT_texture_env_add GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array GL_S3_s3tc GL_ARB_occlusion_query GL_ARB_texture_border_clamp GL_ARB_texture_compression GL_ARB_texture_cube_map GL_ARB_texture_env_add GL_ARB_texture_env_combine GL_ARB_texture_env_crossbar GL_ARB_texture_env_dot3 GL_ARB_texture_mirrored_repeat GL_ARB_transpose_matrix GL_ARB_vertex_blend GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object GL_ARB_window_pos GL_ATI_envmap_bumpmap GL_ATI_map_object_buffer GL_ATI_texture_env_combine3 GL_ATI_texture_mirror_once GL_ATI_vertex_array_object GL_ATI_vertex_streams GL_ATIX_texture_env_combine3 GL_ATIX_texture_env_route GL_EXT_abgr GL_EXT_bgra GL_EXT_clip_volume_hint GL_EXT_draw_range_elements GL_EXT_fog_coord GL_EXT_multi_draw_arrays GL_EXT_packed_pixels GL_EXT_point_parameters GL_EXT_rescale_normal GL_EXT_secondary_color GL_EXT_separate_specular_color GL_EXT_stencil_wrap GL_EXT_texgen_reflection GL_EXT_texture3D GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc GL_EXT_texture_cube_map GL_EXT_texture_edge_clamp GL_EXT_texture_env_combine GL_EXT_texture_env_dot3 GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias GL_EXT_texture_mirror_clamp GL_EXT_texture_object GL_EXT_texture_rectangle GL_EXT_vertex_array GL_HP_occlusion_test GL_NV_blend_square GL_NV_occlusion_query GL_NV_texgen_reflection GL_SGI_color_matrix GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap GL_SGIS_multitexture GL_SGIS_texture_border_clamp GL_SGIS_texture_edge_clamp GL_SGIS_texture_lod GL_SUN_multi_draw_arrays GL_WIN_swap_hint WGL_EXT_extensions_string WGL_EXT_swap_control GLX_EXTENSIONS WGL_ARB_extensions_string WGL_ARB_make_current_read WGL_ARB_pbuffer WGL_ARB_pixel_format WGL_ARB_render_texture WGL_EXT_extensions_string WGL_EXT_swap_control ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- wglARBPFIDs2GLCapabilities: Cannot get pixel format attributes for pixel format 0/40: 1, WINDOW, BITMAP, PBUFFER wglARBPFIDs2GLCapabilities: Cannot get pixel format attributes for pixel format 1/40: 2, WINDOW, BITMAP, PBUFFER wglARBPFIDs2GLCapabilities: Cannot get pixel format attributes for pixel format 2/40: 3, WINDOW, BITMAP, PBUFFER wglARBPFIDs2GLCapabilities: Cannot get pixel format attributes for pixel format 3/40: 4, WINDOW, BITMAP, PBUFFER wglARBPFIDs2GLCapabilities: Cannot get pixel format attributes for pixel format 4/40: 5, WINDOW, BITMAP, PBUFFER wglARBPFIDs2GLCapabilities: Cannot get pixel format attributes for pixel format 5/40: 6, WINDOW, BITMAP, PBUFFER wglARBPFIDs2GLCapabilities: Cannot get pixel format attributes for pixel format 6/40: 7, WINDOW, BITMAP, PBUFFER wglARBPFIDs2GLCapabilities: Cannot get pixel format attributes for pixel format 7/40: 8, WINDOW, BITMAP, PBUFFER wglARBPFIDs2GLCapabilities: Cannot get pixel format attributes for pixel format 8/40: 9, WINDOW, BITMAP, PBUFFER wglARBPFIDs2GLCapabilities: Cannot get pixel format attributes for pixel format 9/40: 10, WINDOW, BITMAP, PBUFFER wglARBPFIDs2GLCapabilities: Cannot get pixel format attributes for pixel format 10/40: 11, WINDOW, BITMAP, PBUFFER wglARBPFIDs2GLCapabilities: Cannot get pixel format attributes for pixel format 11/40: 12, WINDOW, BITMAP, PBUFFER wglARBPFIDs2GLCapabilities: Cannot get pixel format attributes for pixel format 12/40: 13, WINDOW, BITMAP, PBUFFER wglARBPFIDs2GLCapabilities: Cannot get pixel format attributes for pixel format 13/40: 14, WINDOW, BITMAP, PBUFFER wglARBPFIDs2GLCapabilities: Cannot get pixel format attributes for pixel format 14/40: 15, WINDOW, BITMAP, PBUFFER wglARBPFIDs2GLCapabilities: Cannot get pixel format attributes for pixel format 15/40: 16, WINDOW, BITMAP, PBUFFER wglARBPFIDs2GLCapabilities: Cannot get pixel format attributes for pixel format 16/40: 17, WINDOW, BITMAP, PBUFFER wglARBPFIDs2GLCapabilities: Cannot get pixel format attributes for pixel format 17/40: 18, WINDOW, BITMAP, PBUFFER wglARBPFIDs2GLCapabilities: Cannot get pixel format attributes for pixel format 18/40: 19, WINDOW, BITMAP, PBUFFER wglARBPFIDs2GLCapabilities: Cannot get pixel format attributes for pixel format 19/40: 20, WINDOW, BITMAP, PBUFFER wglARBPFIDs2GLCapabilities: Cannot get pixel format attributes for pixel format 20/40: 21, WINDOW, BITMAP, PBUFFER wglARBPFIDs2GLCapabilities: Cannot get pixel format attributes for pixel format 21/40: 22, WINDOW, BITMAP, PBUFFER wglARBPFIDs2GLCapabilities: Cannot get pixel format attributes for pixel format 22/40: 23, WINDOW, BITMAP, PBUFFER wglARBPFIDs2GLCapabilities: Cannot get pixel format attributes for pixel format 23/40: 24, WINDOW, BITMAP, PBUFFER wglARBPFIDs2GLCapabilities: Cannot get pixel format attributes for pixel format 24/40: 25, WINDOW, BITMAP, PBUFFER wglARBPFIDs2GLCapabilities: Cannot get pixel format attributes for pixel format 25/40: 26, WINDOW, BITMAP, PBUFFER wglARBPFIDs2GLCapabilities: Cannot get pixel format attributes for pixel format 26/40: 27, WINDOW, BITMAP, PBUFFER wglARBPFIDs2GLCapabilities: Cannot get pixel format attributes for pixel format 27/40: 28, WINDOW, BITMAP, PBUFFER wglARBPFIDs2GLCapabilities: Cannot get pixel format attributes for pixel format 28/40: 29, WINDOW, BITMAP, PBUFFER wglARBPFIDs2GLCapabilities: Cannot get pixel format attributes for pixel format 29/40: 30, WINDOW, BITMAP, PBUFFER wglARBPFIDs2GLCapabilities: Cannot get pixel format attributes for pixel format 30/40: 31, WINDOW, BITMAP, PBUFFER wglARBPFIDs2GLCapabilities: Cannot get pixel format attributes for pixel format 31/40: 32, WINDOW, BITMAP, PBUFFER wglARBPFIDs2GLCapabilities: Cannot get pixel format attributes for pixel format 32/40: 33, WINDOW, BITMAP, PBUFFER wglARBPFIDs2GLCapabilities: Cannot get pixel format attributes for pixel format 33/40: 34, WINDOW, BITMAP, PBUFFER wglARBPFIDs2GLCapabilities: Cannot get pixel format attributes for pixel format 34/40: 35, WINDOW, BITMAP, PBUFFER wglARBPFIDs2GLCapabilities: Cannot get pixel format attributes for pixel format 35/40: 36, WINDOW, BITMAP, PBUFFER wglARBPFIDs2GLCapabilities: Cannot get pixel format attributes for pixel format 36/40: 37, WINDOW, BITMAP, PBUFFER wglARBPFIDs2GLCapabilities: Cannot get pixel format attributes for pixel format 37/40: 38, WINDOW, BITMAP, PBUFFER wglARBPFIDs2GLCapabilities: Cannot get pixel format attributes for pixel format 38/40: 39, WINDOW, BITMAP, PBUFFER wglARBPFIDs2GLCapabilities: Cannot get pixel format attributes for pixel format 39/40: 40, WINDOW, BITMAP, PBUFFER GLCaps[1 gdi: on-scr, rgba 8/8/8/8, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 24/8/0, one, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2]] GLCaps[2 gdi: on-scr, rgba 8/8/8/8, opaque, accum-rgba 16/16/16/16, dp/st/ms: 24/8/0, one, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2]] GLCaps[3 gdi: on-scr, rgba 8/8/8/8, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 24/8/0, dbl, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2]] GLCaps[4 gdi: on-scr, rgba 8/8/8/8, opaque, accum-rgba 16/16/16/16, dp/st/ms: 24/8/0, dbl, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2]] GLCaps[5 gdi: on-scr, rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 16/16/16/0, dp/st/ms: 32/8/0, one, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2]] GLCaps[5 gdi: offscr, rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 16/16/16/0, dp/st/ms: 32/8/0, one, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] GLCaps[6 gdi: on-scr, rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 16/16/16/0, dp/st/ms: 16/8/0, one, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2]] GLCaps[6 gdi: offscr, rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 16/16/16/0, dp/st/ms: 16/8/0, one, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] GLCaps[7 gdi: on-scr, rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 16/16/16/0, dp/st/ms: 32/8/0, dbl, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2]] GLCaps[8 gdi: on-scr, rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 16/16/16/0, dp/st/ms: 16/8/0, dbl, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2]] GLCaps[9 gdi: on-scr, rgba 8/8/8/8, opaque, accum-rgba 16/16/16/16, dp/st/ms: 32/8/0, one, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2]] GLCaps[9 gdi: offscr, rgba 8/8/8/8, opaque, accum-rgba 16/16/16/16, dp/st/ms: 32/8/0, one, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] GLCaps[10 gdi: on-scr, rgba 8/8/8/8, opaque, accum-rgba 16/16/16/16, dp/st/ms: 16/8/0, one, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2]] GLCaps[10 gdi: offscr, rgba 8/8/8/8, opaque, accum-rgba 16/16/16/16, dp/st/ms: 16/8/0, one, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] GLCaps[11 gdi: on-scr, rgba 8/8/8/8, opaque, accum-rgba 16/16/16/16, dp/st/ms: 32/8/0, dbl, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2]] GLCaps[12 gdi: on-scr, rgba 8/8/8/8, opaque, accum-rgba 16/16/16/16, dp/st/ms: 16/8/0, dbl, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2]] GLCaps[13 gdi: on-scr, rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 32/8/0, one, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2]] GLCaps[13 gdi: offscr, rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 32/8/0, one, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] GLCaps[14 gdi: on-scr, rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 16/8/0, one, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2]] GLCaps[14 gdi: offscr, rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 16/8/0, one, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] GLCaps[15 gdi: on-scr, rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 32/8/0, dbl, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2]] GLCaps[16 gdi: on-scr, rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 16/8/0, dbl, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2]] GLCaps[17 gdi: offscr, rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 16/16/16/0, dp/st/ms: 32/8/0, one, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] GLCaps[18 gdi: offscr, rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 16/16/16/0, dp/st/ms: 16/8/0, one, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] GLCaps[19 gdi: offscr, rgba 8/8/8/8, opaque, accum-rgba 16/16/16/16, dp/st/ms: 32/8/0, one, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] GLCaps[20 gdi: offscr, rgba 8/8/8/8, opaque, accum-rgba 16/16/16/16, dp/st/ms: 16/8/0, one, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] GLCaps[21 gdi: offscr, rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 32/8/0, one, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] GLCaps[22 gdi: offscr, rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 16/8/0, one, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] GLCaps[23 gdi: offscr, rgba 5/5/5/0, opaque, accum-rgba 11/11/10/0, dp/st/ms: 32/8/0, one, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] GLCaps[24 gdi: offscr, rgba 5/5/5/0, opaque, accum-rgba 11/11/10/0, dp/st/ms: 16/8/0, one, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] GLCaps[25 gdi: offscr, rgba 5/5/5/8, opaque, accum-rgba 8/8/8/8, dp/st/ms: 32/8/0, one, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] GLCaps[26 gdi: offscr, rgba 5/5/5/8, opaque, accum-rgba 8/8/8/8, dp/st/ms: 16/8/0, one, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] GLCaps[27 gdi: offscr, rgba 5/5/5/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 32/8/0, one, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] GLCaps[28 gdi: offscr, rgba 5/5/5/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 16/8/0, one, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] GLCaps[29 gdi: offscr, rgba 3/3/2/0, opaque, accum-rgba 11/11/10/0, dp/st/ms: 32/8/0, one, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] GLCaps[30 gdi: offscr, rgba 3/3/2/0, opaque, accum-rgba 11/11/10/0, dp/st/ms: 16/8/0, one, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] GLCaps[31 gdi: offscr, rgba 3/3/2/8, opaque, accum-rgba 8/8/8/8, dp/st/ms: 32/8/0, one, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] GLCaps[32 gdi: offscr, rgba 3/3/2/8, opaque, accum-rgba 8/8/8/8, dp/st/ms: 16/8/0, one, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] GLCaps[33 gdi: offscr, rgba 3/3/2/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 32/8/0, one, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] GLCaps[34 gdi: offscr, rgba 3/3/2/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 16/8/0, one, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] GLCaps[35 gdi: offscr, rgba 1/1/1/0, opaque, accum-rgba 5/6/5/0, dp/st/ms: 32/8/0, one, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] GLCaps[36 gdi: offscr, rgba 1/1/1/0, opaque, accum-rgba 5/6/5/0, dp/st/ms: 16/8/0, one, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] GLCaps[37 gdi: offscr, rgba 1/1/1/8, opaque, accum-rgba 4/4/4/4, dp/st/ms: 32/8/0, one, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] GLCaps[38 gdi: offscr, rgba 1/1/1/8, opaque, accum-rgba 4/4/4/4, dp/st/ms: 16/8/0, one, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] GLCaps[39 gdi: offscr, rgba 1/1/1/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 32/8/0, one, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] GLCaps[40 gdi: offscr, rgba 1/1/1/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 16/8/0, one, mono , sw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2], pixmap] WindowsWGLDrawableFactory.leaveThreadCriticalZone() - 0xffffffffffffffff - AWT-EventQueue-0 GLProfile.init isAWTAvailable true GLProfile.init has desktopFactory true GLProfile.init hasDesktopGL true GLProfile.init hasGL234Impl true GLProfile.init has eglFactory true GLProfile.init hasGLES1Impl false GLProfile.init hasGLES2Impl false GLProfile.init defaultDesktopDevice WindowsGraphicsDevice[type Windows, connection decon, unitID 0, handle 0x0] GLProfile.init defaultEGLDevice EGLGraphicsDevice[type EGL, connection decon, unitID 0, handle 0x0] GLProfile.init defaultDevice WindowsGraphicsDevice[type Windows, connection decon, unitID 0, handle 0x0] Animator add: 15789782 - Thread[AWT-EventQueue-0,6,main] Info: GLCanvas display - skipped GL render, drawable not valid yet java.lang.Exception: AWT-EventQueue-0 - Info: addNotify - start, bounds: java.awt.Rectangle[x=0,y=0,width=0,height=0] at javax.media.opengl.awt.GLCanvas.addNotify(GLCanvas.java:503) at java.awt.Container.addNotify(Unknown Source) at javax.swing.JComponent.addNotify(Unknown Source) at java.awt.Container.addNotify(Unknown Source) at javax.swing.JComponent.addNotify(Unknown Source) at java.awt.Container.addNotify(Unknown Source) at javax.swing.JComponent.addNotify(Unknown Source) at java.awt.Container.addNotify(Unknown Source) at javax.swing.JComponent.addNotify(Unknown Source) at javax.swing.JRootPane.addNotify(Unknown Source) at java.awt.Container.addNotify(Unknown Source) at java.awt.Window.addNotify(Unknown Source) at java.awt.Frame.addNotify(Unknown Source) at java.awt.Window.pack(Unknown Source) at application.MainApplication.<init>(MainApplication.java:201) at application.MainApplication$3.run(MainApplication.java:1216) at java.awt.event.InvocationEvent.dispatch(Unknown Source) at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(Unknown Source) at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForFilters(Unknown Source) at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForFilter(Unknown Source) at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(Unknown Source) at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(Unknown Source) at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(Unknown Source) at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.run(Unknown Source) WindowsAWTWGLGraphicsConfigurationFactory: got AWTGraphicsScreen[AWTGraphicsDevice[type AWT[subType null], connection \Display0, unitID 0, awtDevice Win32GraphicsDevice[screen=0], handle 0x0], idx 0] updateGraphicsConfiguration(using shared): hdc 0x560104b1 !!! user chosen caps GLCaps[on-scr, rgba 8/8/8/0, opaque, accum-rgba 0/0/0/0, dp/st/ms: 16/0/0, dbl, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL2/GL2]] wglChoosePixelFormatARB: NumFormats (wglChoosePixelFormatARB) accelMode 0x2027: 2 Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" javax.media.opengl.GLException: wglARBPFID2GLCapabilities: Error getting pixel format attributes for pixel format 3 of device context 0x560104b1, werr 0 at jogamp.opengl.windows.wgl.WindowsWGLGraphicsConfiguration.wglARBPFID2GLCapabilities(WindowsWGLGraphicsConfiguration.java:253) at jogamp.opengl.windows.wgl.WindowsWGLGraphicsConfiguration.wglChoosePixelFormatARB(WindowsWGLGraphicsConfiguration.java:302) at jogamp.opengl.windows.wgl.WindowsWGLGraphicsConfigurationFactory.updateGraphicsConfigurationARB(WindowsWGLGraphicsConfigurationFactory.java:302) at jogamp.opengl.windows.wgl.WindowsWGLGraphicsConfigurationFactory.updateGraphicsConfiguration(WindowsWGLGraphicsConfigurationFactory.java:250) at jogamp.opengl.windows.wgl.WindowsWGLGraphicsConfigurationFactory.preselectGraphicsConfiguration(WindowsWGLGraphicsConfigurationFactory.java:234) at jogamp.opengl.windows.wgl.WindowsWGLGraphicsConfiguration.preselectGraphicsConfiguration(WindowsWGLGraphicsConfiguration.java:148) at jogamp.opengl.windows.wgl.awt.WindowsAWTWGLGraphicsConfigurationFactory.chooseGraphicsConfigurationImpl(WindowsAWTWGLGraphicsConfigurationFactory.java:125) at javax.media.nativewindow.GraphicsConfigurationFactory.chooseGraphicsConfiguration(GraphicsConfigurationFactory.java:240) at javax.media.opengl.awt.GLCanvas.chooseGraphicsConfiguration(GLCanvas.java:978) at javax.media.opengl.awt.GLCanvas.addNotify(GLCanvas.java:517) at java.awt.Container.addNotify(Unknown Source) at javax.swing.JComponent.addNotify(Unknown Source) at java.awt.Container.addNotify(Unknown Source) at javax.swing.JComponent.addNotify(Unknown Source) at java.awt.Container.addNotify(Unknown Source) at javax.swing.JComponent.addNotify(Unknown Source) at java.awt.Container.addNotify(Unknown Source) at javax.swing.JComponent.addNotify(Unknown Source) at javax.swing.JRootPane.addNotify(Unknown Source) at java.awt.Container.addNotify(Unknown Source) at java.awt.Window.addNotify(Unknown Source) at java.awt.Frame.addNotify(Unknown Source) at java.awt.Window.pack(Unknown Source) at application.MainApplication.<init>(MainApplication.java:201) at application.MainApplication$3.run(MainApplication.java:1216) at java.awt.event.InvocationEvent.dispatch(Unknown Source) at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(Unknown Source) at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForFilters(Unknown Source) at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForFilter(Unknown Source) at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(Unknown Source) at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(Unknown Source) at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(Unknown Source) at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.run(Unknown Source) Info: GLCanvas display - skipped GL render, drawable not valid yet Info: GLCanvas display - skipped GL render, drawable not valid yet ________________________________________________ Actually, I wonder if it's a bug or a bad configuration in my code. I wonder too if there is a way to manually configure OGL for a specific machine because I need to present very soon an application on a laptop where I got the problem. I tried some configuration stuffs but haven't managed to get the application's working on the laptop using JOGL2 (JOGL1.1 works). Thanks in advance for your help :) |
Have you looked at https://jogamp.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=480? If b270 and earlier work for you, it may be the same problem.
Thanks :)
I'll try with previous build. |
Acutally, I saw this bug description : https://jogamp.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=469.
It seems to be the same graphics chipset than yours. Mine is 7500. Switching debug to true doesn't fix the issue. |
It may be the same issue, but it's not clear -- their problem looks the same, but they say it begins at b281. I did a bisection search and confirmed that mine begins exactly at b271 (builds 244, 260 and 270 pass, builds 271, 274, 275, 280, 310, and 344 fail).
Glad to see others can reproduce my issue, this is rather a show-stopper for us. My card is an Nvidia 8400GS, driver 260.99, Windows XP: b280 and earlier work, b281 and later fail with the JVM crash. My colleague with the ATI card has a slightly different result detailed in the bug report.
This issue also seems to be the same as mine: https://jogamp.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=478 |
On Monday, March 07, 2011 12:09:15 OwenD [via jogamp] wrote:
> > Glad to see others can reproduce my issue, this is rather a show-stopper for > us. My card is an Nvidia 8400GS, driver 260.99, Windows XP: b280 and earlier > work, b281 and later fail with the JVM crash. My colleague with the ATI card > has a slightly different result detailed in the bug report. > > This issue also seems to be the same as mine: > https://jogamp.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=478 Wow .. so do we have a testbed to reproduce 'these bugs' now ? I have to admit I am confused .. NV 8xxx driver 260.99, ATI X??? driver ??? For sure I am more than willing to triage these bugs if information is available, or I could even reproduce them. I guess we need a summary (index) of these bugs now, Wade ? Thank you. ~Sven |
Hi and thanks for answer,
I can do some tests on ATI Mobility Radeon 7500 for now. I only need to know what to do and what to feedback :) Here are the builds I tested for now : - b270 : works but very bad performances when antialiasing is enabled. And got some "invalid enumerant" OpenGL Errors too, which seem to be related with display lists usage (not really sure for now, if it's important I can investigate) - b271 : works fine - b279 : works fine - b280 : works fine - b281 : JVM crashes - b282 : JVM crashes - signed rc2 : JVM crashes Maybe the issue I got with b270 and antialiasing enabling (and/or display lists) and the issue reported by Wade are related. |
I'm sorry if I added confusion to this thread. It seems that the problem I was seeing with my Nvidia card is separate from that of ATI. I have updated bug report 469 with additional information that the Nvidia problem is only with driver 260.99. Now I'll let those with ATI continue the discussion.
In reply to this post by Djak
I'm still working on this, tracing slowly through the code and trying to figure out what's going on. Hopefully I'll have something to report soon.
My wife got a new netbook yesterday that has ATI graphics (Radeon HD 6310M), so I also have another machine to test on now ![]() |
Still digging into this. It looks like GL is not set up correctly on the thread that tries to call a function in the ATI driver (more details at https://jogamp.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=480 for the curious). This has been a good learning experience -- I never had to trace into JNI code and look at the assembly before
![]() |
nice :)
thanks for the link, interesting. |
I think I've found the root cause of this bug. It looks like the GL context is not set up on the main thread. This leaves the main thread's info block null, which causes an access violation inside the ATI DLL when you try to call a WGL EXT function. More information is in the bug report at https://jogamp.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=480.
This one looks too hard for me to fix by myself, though ![]() |
On Tuesday, March 15, 2011 02:09:48 Wade Walker [via jogamp] wrote:
> > I think I've found the root cause of this bug. It looks like the GL context > is not set up on the main thread. This leaves the main thread's info block > null, which causes an access violation inside the ATI DLL when you try to > call a WGL EXT function. More information is in the bug report at > https://jogamp.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=480. > > This one looks too hard for me to fix by myself, though I've looked at the > code paths involved, and there's no obvious way to get a context set up on > it. We'll need to wait for Sven to do it so the fix makes sense with the > rest of the code. GREAT job analysing this Wade - thx. +++ EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at pc=0x69346b76, pid=3628, tid=2868 # Java frames: (J=compiled Java code, j=interpreted, Vv=VM code) j jogamp.opengl.windows.wgl.WGLExtImpl.dispatch_wglChoosePixelFormatARB1(JLjava/lang/Object;IZLjava/lang/Object;IZILjava/lang/Object;IZLjava/lang/Object;IZJ)Z+0 j jogamp.opengl.windows.wgl.WGLExtImpl.wglChoosePixelFormatARB(J[II[FII[II[II)Z+287 j jogamp.opengl.windows.wgl.WindowsWGLGraphicsConfiguration.wglChoosePixelFormatARB(JLjogamp/opengl/windows/wgl/WindowsWGLDrawableFactory$SharedResource;Ljavax/media/opengl/GLCapabilitiesImmutable;[II[F)[I+86 +++ https://jogamp.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=480#c7 You say: http://jogamp.org/git/?p=jogl.git;a=commit;h=8adc04788a6d9dd44de5a4636b46d14dbb70b799 - freezes ? http://jogamp.org/git/?p=jogl.git;a=commit;h=f62b95c7bf2997bf7c309a7a186c4f46155f7c2a - crashes ? +++ https://jogamp.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=480#c7 https://jogamp.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=480#c8 Wow, ATI needs the context to be current for 'wglChoosePixelFormatARB' for some old GPU's (same driver) ? This is puzzling .. indeed, we have a similar workaround for pbuffers on X11 for ATI: http://jogamp.org/git/?p=jogl.git;a=blob;f=src/jogl/classes/jogamp/opengl/x11/glx/X11GLXDrawableFactory.java;h=8203a440ca418b894110cbf89a0ef3aa55f8fc25;hb=HEAD#l348 And yes, I removed the (redundant) makeCurrent for PFD selection, but that was far earlier .. so it might be something else. +++ WindowsWGLGraphicsConfiguration.GLCapabilities2AttribList(..) set's up the to be queried WGL/ARB attributes - since f62b95c7bf2997bf7c309a7a186c4f46155f7c2a has an impact, maybe somehow one attribute makes the ATI driver to crash ? I remember we had a similar issue with using unsupported attributes (ie PBUFFER, ..). If I would have such a test machine, I would remove all unrequired attributes in this method and just give it a try. Then devide and conquer .. to find the offending attribute. One may give me access to such a machine via SSH .. Cheers, Sven |
Would it be better if I add this machine to our Jenkins cluster? I just got a new laptop, so this old one can become part of our cluster now, and you can run tests on it all day ![]() Just send me some instructions on how to set it up. |
In reply to this post by Wade Walker
On Saturday, March 19, 2011 09:39:21 Sven Gothel wrote:
> > WindowsWGLGraphicsConfiguration.GLCapabilities2AttribList(..) set's up the > to be queried WGL/ARB attributes - since f62b95c7bf2997bf7c309a7a186c4f46155f7c2a has an impact, > maybe somehow one attribute makes the ATI driver to crash ? > > I remember we had a similar issue with using unsupported attributes (ie PBUFFER, ..). > > If I would have such a test machine, I would remove all unrequired attributes in this method > and just give it a try. Then devide and conquer .. to find the offending attribute. > > just a 'desperate' test .. trying to tackle the 1st exception of https://jogamp.org/bugzilla/attachment.cgi?id=236&action=edit where - wglARBPFIDs2GLCapabilities / wglGetPixelFormatAttribivARB fails: no caps via ARB - somehow 'null' values are within the resulting caps list, comperator fails (dunno how) Hope to get ssh access to such a machine via Wade in a bit :) ~Sven |
Hi :)
a few words to say I could put the laptop accessible via ssh, if needed. Bye |
On Friday, March 25, 2011 20:47:03 Djak [via jogamp] wrote:
> > Hi :) > a few words to say I could put the laptop accessible via ssh, if needed. > Bye this issue should have been fixed by now already http://jogamp.org/git/?p=jogl.git;a=commit;h=ab93183b90e83b9aebc29031c7b88b9a3dc58ff5 https://jogamp.org/chuck/job/jogl/356/ ~Sven |
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