I need to know object relative size of objects in my 3d Scene.
My actions is:
1. Loadin model for *.obj file
obj = new TransformGroup();
Scene s = null;
ObjectFile f = new ObjectFile ();
f.setFlags (ObjectFile.RESIZE | ObjectFile.TRIANGULATE | ObjectFile.STRIPIFY);
try{ s = f.load (model+".obj"); }catch(Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); }
2. Create BranchGroup
BranchGroup objRoot = new BranchGroup();
3. Add model to a branch group
1. How can i detect object size after load from file? (Step 1)
2. How can i detect object size after add to BranchGroup? (Step 3)
3. How can i find designed center of my 3d object? Mean that center of object can be placed in some other place, like in some corner (if it's a rectangled box), but not in the center of geometric object placed inside that object.