On Tuesday, November 29, 2011 05:43:48 PM gabnicu [via jogamp] wrote:
> Hello Sven,
> This is Gabi Nicula. Thank you for your answer.
> Java3D is an open-source project from Sun, and we would definitely be
> interested in porting it to the latest JOGL build which should fix the issue
> of JOGL applets not running in MacOS with JVM later than
And surely we can use such implementation for all other platforms,
X11, Android, .. the latter only if using ES1 or ES2 for mobile .. sure.
> Our target platform is Mac, and AFAIK Java3D on Mac uses JOGL specifically
> for not having to generate JNDI calls to Opengl API. Java3D on Mac (we use
> version 1.5.2, the latest release) uses JOGL 1.1.1 - but JOGL 2 has quite
> different jar names, and class names.
> How can we proceed? Can you give us some guidance? We are hard pressed by
> time.
Well, I would say:
- clone gluegen/jogl from master branch via git
- clone/checkout the Java3D stuff
.. port it (the tedious part, but not too hard I hope).
- you will soon see that most of the changes can be made by sed scripts
- most public API is unchanged
- all changes are sort of 'obvious', ie not rocket science
if you need more assistance than the usual Q&A here, feel free to contact me
in person to discuss things [sgothel (at) jausoft (dot) com].
> Thank you,
You are very welcome.
> Gabi