Java3D, and maybe proguard Operational Questions.

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Java3D, and maybe proguard Operational Questions.

#1 How may I define a circle or an oval (flat, 2D) in a 3D space?
  Do I do a square with 4 submitted curvature normals?

#2 When using IndexedGeometryArray (s), in a situation with only one viewer, is there a way to disable
rendering (filling) for various items in my 3D world for the surfaces which face backwards where one
cannot see, as a memory or computation save?
#3 Is it possible to obtain point location and colour data for any rendered point in a 3D universe?
There is a "Screen perspective" class, what is it called?
   Is it possible to obtain x,y,z pixels the way one may from a classic java Raster in 2D?

#4 When loading a 3D item from, for example, a *.obj file, are all the points of that item inside a java3D
IndexedGeometryArray object?  What is the typical call I need to obtain my indexedTriangleArray, or the IndexedQuardArray?

#5 Are there any freely available, commercially applicable, java3D add on libraries for visual effects,
like for rippling water, color "gaseous" visual effects, fire, etc. which are in java but not
a small component of some other larger project?

#6 In order to have my collection of IndexedGeometryArray points (and designated special normals) drawn and filled in, my program will make a call to the NormalGenerator Class.
If the object itself is to change by the stretching and moving of a defining point during runtime, and to experience a line, but mainly a surface change (rippling), does one just call the NormalGenerator iteratively?  However won't this slow down the program to the point of thrashing?  Is NormalGenerator
designed for this iterative calling without slowdown? (I presume I would give it its own dedicated Thread)?

#7 I wish to draw a wire rendered object, with smoothed and "glowing" wires.  I know how to do wire rendering, non surface rendering.  I do note that a Material object may have an emissive color.  I plan to apply a Material to an Appearance object, and then apply that. However does the material object work on IndexedLineArray objects when there is no fill surface?

#8 I am trying to configure proguard to generically work on executable .jar, applet jar, .war and .ear files
to prevent decompilation, at all, at least by "The Java Decompiler" jd-gui program.  I want a generic .pro file that will successfully run, prevent decompilation, and allow standard execution as is for .jar, .war, .ear files.  I particularly want the following to be done inside myr .*ar files' contained .class files:

-Class name, method name, field name CONFUSED RENAMING obfuscation.
-String literal TRANSMUTING/EQUIVALENCE obfuscation.

Can someone set me up with a .pro file I can use?
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Re: Java3D, and maybe proguard Operational Questions.


Harvey should be able to answer you in details. I'm not sure enabling backface culling would improve the performance.
Julien Gouesse | Personal blog | Website
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Re: Java3D, and maybe proguard Operational Questions.

Can whoever harvey is spend some time on replying to me?
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Re: Java3D, and maybe proguard Operational Questions.

Please post an issue here to get a reply from Harvey:

I'm really sorry, we do our best. I'm not a specialist of Java3D, I initiated its port to JOGL 2.0. I'm very busy and I try to help people on my spare time.
Julien Gouesse | Personal blog | Website
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Re: Java3D, and maybe proguard Operational Questions.

I can't figure out how to subscribe to; it looks like a payment only forum.

I can't contact harvey with payment to this site.  I'm not in a position to pay to start i that forum;

can someone else give me some other URL or email to contact, or notify him themselves;
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Re: Java3D, and maybe proguard Operational Questions.

Xerxes Rånby

Use the "plain" "create a free account button" at the top of

Github is free to use for opensource projects.

2012-09-17 13:51 skrev Zachary1234 [via jogamp]:

I can't figure out how to subscribe to; it looks like a payment only forum.

I can't contact harvey with payment to this site.  I'm not in a position to pay to start i that forum;

can someone else give me some other URL or email to contact, or notify him themselves;

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Re: Java3D, and maybe proguard Operational Questions.

Harvey states in his reply that he can't answer my questions.  Is there anyone else on this forum who may address them?
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Re: Java3D, and maybe proguard Operational Questions.

#1 How may I define a circle or an oval (flat, 2D) in a 3D space?
  Do I do a square with 4 submitted curvature normals?

#2 When using IndexedGeometryArray (s), in a situation with only one viewer, is there a way to disable
rendering (filling) for various items in my 3D world for the surfaces which face backwards where one
cannot see, as a memory or computation save?
#3 Is it possible to obtain point location and colour data for any rendered point in a 3D universe?
There is a "Screen perspective" class, what is it called?
   Is it possible to obtain x,y,z pixels the way one may from a classic java Raster in 2D?

#4 When loading a 3D item from, for example, a *.obj file, are all the points of that item inside a java3D
IndexedGeometryArray object?  What is the typical call I need to obtain my indexedTriangleArray, or the IndexedQuardArray?

#5 Are there any freely available, commercially applicable, java3D add on libraries for visual effects,
like for rippling water, color "gaseous" visual effects, fire, etc. which are in java but not
a small component of some other larger project?

#6 In order to have my collection of IndexedGeometryArray points (and designated special normals) drawn and filled in, my program will make a call to the NormalGenerator Class.
If the object itself is to change by the stretching and moving of a defining point during runtime, and to experience a line, but mainly a surface change (rippling), does one just call the NormalGenerator iteratively?  However won't this slow down the program to the point of thrashing?  Is NormalGenerator
designed for this iterative calling without slowdown? (I presume I would give it its own dedicated Thread)?

#7 I wish to draw a wire rendered object, with smoothed and "glowing" wires.  I know how to do wire rendering, non surface rendering.  I do note that a Material object may have an emissive color.  I plan to apply a Material to an Appearance object, and then apply that. However does the material object work on IndexedLineArray objects when there is no fill surface?

#8 Is there a simple way to bisect and separate a 3D object with a plane surface at any angle, and to easily determine two separate objects?  Or must one resort to ray casting to find critical points?

#9 If I setCollidable(false) on two 3D polyhedra, move them to overlap, put them under the same Group node and set the group node to collidable, will I get an error because of the overlapping, or can I now consider the overall outer of the intersection of both polyhedra as one, "complex" Bounds?

#10 I am trying to configure proguard to generically work on executable .jar, applet jar, .war and .ear files
to prevent decompilation, at all, at least by "The Java Decompiler" jd-gui program.  I want a generic .pro file that will successfully run, prevent decompilation, and allow standard execution as is for .jar, .war, .ear files.  I particularly want the following to be done inside myr .*ar files' contained .class files:

-Class name, method name, field name CONFUSED RENAMING obfuscation.
-String literal TRANSMUTING/EQUIVALENCE obfuscation.

Can someone set me up with a .pro file I can use?