philjord wrote
Yes there is default back face culling.
This can be controlled by the PolygonAttributes that can be set on any Appearance applied to Shape3D
* The default values are as follows:
* cull face : CULL_BACK
* back face normal flip : false
* polygon mode : POLYGON_FILL
* polygon offset : 0.0
* polygon offset factor : 0.0
cullFace polygon culling mode; one of CULL_NONE, CULL_BACK, or CULL_FRONT
CULL_FRONT is fairly unused, but CULL_NONE is very handy for 2D particle sprites that aren't view oriented
CULL_NONE seems the most practical in general as surfaces may be porous and/or have concavities, there's also transparency to consider. This may not matter as much in first person shooter scenarios.