Hi Julien,
texture byReference: https://docs.oracle.com/cd/E17802_01/j2se/javase/technologies/desktop/java3d/forDevelopers/J3D_1_3_API/j3dapi/javax/media/j3d/ImageComponent.html Tom Are you saying that BufferedImage + Texture is not supported in Ardor3D, or only the byReference capability? We may be able to do the work if we could get a start, and contribute back. I suppose BufferedImage would only work with Ardor3D's AWT and Swing canvases? Our system transforms physical world information, eg. a 2d grid of remotely sensed radiances, into ABGR or RGBA structured byte arrays. Can Ardor3D just take these arrays as the texture image and apply them to a set of spatial points regardless of the underlying canvas? Can Ardor3D handle Texture + non-rectangular (curvilinear) spatial points. For example, a satellite image data points will not in general fall on a set of rectangular points after transforming them to the Earth's surface. The byRef capability allows use to simple update the scene node w/o copying the image and duplicating the spatial points, in the event they don't change, for time animation sequence of data. Tom |
Hi Thomas
JogAmp's Ardor3D Continuation can work with or without AWT/Swing, there's an image loader based on AWT and there's another one completely independent from AWT. In my humble opinion, it's an advantage, it allows this engine to work with Java flavours not supporting AWT. There's a utility to manipulate the pixels of the images stored into the engine but it doesn't accept arrays yet, it's still possible to modify a texture data object (com.jogamp.opengl.util.texture.TextureData) and to pass it to JogAmp's Ardor3D Continuation. There is no restriction on the kind of canvas you can use depending on the way you create your textures. JogAmp's Ardor3D Continuation supports partial updates of textures.
Julien Gouesse | Personal blog | Website
Definitely an advantage not to be dependent on AWT/Swing. I think we're ok, as long as, we can access TextureData.setBuffer to load our image data from memory. |
Hi Julien,
Can Mesh and associated MeshData be equivalent to Java3D TriangleArray and TriangleStripArray? Tom |
Hi Thomas
TriangleArray is more or less equivalent to MeshData with the index mode com.ardor3d.renderer.IndexMode.Triangles, TriangleStripArray is more or less equivalent to MeshData with the index mode com.ardor3d.renderer.IndexMode.TriangleStrip. Note that a single MeshData object can contain several sections. JogAmp's Ardor3D Continuation's MeshData is comparable with Java3D GeometryArray.
Julien Gouesse | Personal blog | Website
Hi Julien,
Artifacts with semi-transparent, overlapping polygons: We were never really able to eliminate these with Java3D. Screen Door transparency doesn't look very good. I believe Java3D provided hooks to do dynamic depth sorting, but we never explored this. Can Ardor3D improve on this, or be enhanced to do so? I'm running RenderQueueExample and with 2-pass mode and the torus is artifact free, but only if it's in a certain position in the queue, otherwise its own geometry bleeds through the surface. When you have some time, can you elaborate a bit on this? Thank you very much answers thus far. Tom |
This post was updated on .
Andreas and some other developers had a similar problem and solved it with JogAmp's Ardor3D Continuation, you should look for their posts here. I'll post the link to those posts if I find them.
Edit.: http://forum.jogamp.org/JOGL-2-support-for-Ardor3D-JMonkeyEngine-3-jzy3d-and-NiftyGUI-tp1706747p4036238.html
Julien Gouesse | Personal blog | Website
thanks Julien. I'll leave you alone now for awhile.
You're welcome. Don't hesitate to ask questions :)
Julien Gouesse | Personal blog | Website
Hi Julien,
Would you be willing to enumerate 3 or 4 of the more challenging aspects of Jogamp's Ardor3D Continuation which would have to be implemented on top of JOGL if one were to consider rolling their own and thus reinventing the wheel? I'm building a case to start with solid work from expert developers for 3D in the Java ecosystem, learn from, expand on, and contribute back to those efforts. Tom |
At first, I think about ardor3d-terrain (terrain management with atlases) and then, I think about ardor3d-collada (Collada importer), ardor3d-animation (skeletal animation with hardware skinning) and ardor3d-effects (Parallel-Split Shadow Map, Bloom, HDR, particle system, water, ...).
Julien Gouesse | Personal blog | Website
Hi Julien,
The first phase of our transition from Java3D requires us to establish that we can use Jogamp's Ardor3D with our present AWT-Swing based GUIs, so there will be heavyweight-lightweight component mixing in various containers like JTabbedPane and JSplitPane which can currently cause Java3D to unpredictably crash. I've started with a few Ardor examples and put together a couple of very simpleton examples of my own (you have to start somewhere): Both examples define a simple method 'getComponet' which returns a heavyweight JoglAwtCanvas from a Scene and a JoglCanvasRenderer: SwingTestSplitPane adds a unique canvas to the left and right pane while SwingTestTabPane does the same except for tabs and the container is added to a JFrame. SwingTestTabPane doesn't work unless only using a single tab, and SwingTestSplitPane sort of works, but is better if the only one canvas is added. Both have problems when resizing the window. I'm wondering if events from the containing Layout manager are perhaps not being handled correctly? Maybe more likely my setup? I've uploading the source code any insight you have I'm sure would be helpful. Tom SwingTestSplitPane.java SwingTestTabPane.java |
Andreas seems to succeed in putting several canvases into a JTabbedPane: http://forum.jogamp.org/JOGL-2-support-for-Ardor3D-JMonkeyEngine-3-jzy3d-and-NiftyGUI-tp1706747p4035653.html
Julien Gouesse | Personal blog | Website
Andreas's example is very nice and will be a great help (thank you!), but it uses JoglSwingCanvas which is stated as being slower performance and having a bigger memory footprint so I think we need to use your JoglAwtCanvas, the Ardor3D equivalent to Java3d Canvas3D? I've always felt Java3D had good performance for our needs, but stability across platforms and memory footprint and leaks are a problem for us. Do we need to manually control the Ardor canvas size and repaint when the containing JFrame is resized? The examples I provided work differently if I interchange JoglSwingCanvas and JoglAwtCanvas, I just didn't expect that. Tom |
JoglAwtCanvas has absolutely nothing in common with Java3D Canvas except the reliance on AWT, their respective implementations are extremely different as Java3D was designed to keep a strong separation between the pipeline and the canvas whereas JogAmp's Ardor3D Continuation directly uses JOGL. The Java3D Canvas uses AWT very inefficiently.
What is the difference? Please can you be more accurate?
Julien Gouesse | Personal blog | Website
Sorry bad phrasing, I only meant that JoglAwtCanvas is JogAmp's Ardor3D heavyweight AWT canvas and would
be necessary for best performance. Please don't be offended or upset - my mistake. In my naive understanding, anything that extends an AWT/Swing Container can just be added to any other Container or Component and everything is sized according to minimum, maximum and preferred size rules triggered recursively as the Frame size changes. It's ok, I can see it will be more involved than that. I was just hoping to get to the fun stuff straight away ( I hate this gui stuff!) I'm getting better results calling Updater.updateFrame on componentChanged events to manually resize the canvas. Sometimes I wonder if there should only every be one canvas extending AWT canvas per JTabbedPane and each tab is just a 'state' to draw on the canvas when a particular tab is selected. When I say different, it seems that in my two test cases, SplitPanes and TabbedPanes really don't like more than one JoglAwtCanvas per JFrame, multiple JoglSwingCanvas works better. Probably some hocus-pocus add/removing the JoglAwtCanvas while tabs are selected/deselected will be necessary. |
I'm not upset, sorry for the misunderstanding. Java3D and JogAmp's Ardor3D Continuation have different constraints but yes, you're right, JoglSwingCanvas is slower and has a greater memory footprint than JoglAwtCanvas. Java3D Canvas doesn't use JOGL AWT GLCanvas under the hood whereas JoglAwtCanvas does. If you want the best performance, use NEWT as much as possible.
I'm not sure that it's a problem of canvas size, rather a problem of viewport size. There is some commented code to handle that, maybe you should give it a try. Thank you for your feedback. Maybe using JoglSwingCanvas would be less risky than adding/removing the JoglAwtCanvas. Have you ever tried JoglNewtAwtCanvas?
Julien Gouesse | Personal blog | Website
Thanks, I will consider the viewport size suggestion, which classes? Ok to use JoglNewtAwtCanvas with
Swing components? Performance is an issue so we really can't use JoglSwingCanvas. Am I doing something very wrong in my simple test programs? |
It's in the pure NEWT window/canvas but you can use something very similar in other canvases:
https://github.com/gouessej/Ardor3D/blob/master/ardor3d-jogl/src/main/java/com/ardor3d/framework/jogl/JoglNewtWindow.java#L325 Yes, JoglNewtAwtCanvas should work with Swing components. It allows to use the same NEWT source code both with AWT and AWT-free source code. I haven't found anything very wrong in your simple test programs. I realize that I should write much more tutorials, so that other users know the right way of using JogAmp's Ardor3D Continuation. In my humble opinion, you shouldn't overestimate the difference of performance between JoglSwingCanvas and JoglAwtCanvas even though there is nothing I can do to reduce its memory footprint.
Julien Gouesse | Personal blog | Website
The examples are great, with a fair amount of internal doc - thank you!
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