Hello Friends
I have a web application using java3d to render .stl and create images. It uses xvfb because it is a server.
After a distro upgrade i get a fatal error related with libgl.so as soon as java3d is used. Resp. it is able to render one image but after rendering it kills the whole java process.
After a lot of googling i found out that java1.5.2 is not longer supported by oracle and you guys are maintaining java3d 1.6. So I started to see if this could be the solutions to my problem.
I tried to install java3d 1.6. Whereas I'm not sure if i did this right. Since I'm using Tomcat i copied all the java3d 1.6 jars (as described here:
https://gouessej.wordpress.com/2012/08/01/java-3d-est-de-retour-java-3d-is-back/) into the WEB-INF/lib.
Now it gives me a different fatal error related to libc.so
Any help or hint would be highly appreciated.