Jogamp Fat in Maven

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Jogamp Fat in Maven

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Hello, we are looking to integrate JOGL in to a project we are working on. Unfortunately our build system is quite restrictive and we are running in to problems with using separate JARs for jogl, gluegen, natives e.t.c.

Using jogamp-fat solves our build issues, but our in-house tooling only supports third party libraries in Maven. Would it be possible to include jogamp-fat.jar in the Maven repo (

Many thanks.
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Re: Jogamp Fat in Maven


I'm not a Maven expert despite having used it for years. We use Apache Ant to create the fat JAR as far as I remember, we could use Maven Assembly Plugin to do something similar but in my humble opinion, you should rather modify your in-house tooling as requiring third party libraries to use the Maven layout is very restrictive and will lead you to troubles anyway. Can you use a local repository to work around this limitation?

Which are the problems you run into when using separate JARs?
Julien Gouesse | Personal blog | Website