Shit , found a bug in the forum here.
And that in my first login.....
a tag with
some parameter tags follows, but there are cutted here in the forum, so i set it als normal text.
In your html you must set itself then the <param name= tag's
(Seems to be a bug in this forum.)
"codebase_lookup" value="false"
"progressbar" value="true"
"noddraw.check" value="true"
"java_arguments" value="-Dsun.java2d.noddraw=true"
"cache_archive" VALUE="test.jar,jogl.all.jar,gluegen-rt.jar,nativewindow.all.jar,newt.all.jar"
"cache_archive_ex" VALUE="test.jar;preload,jogl.all.jar;preload,gluegen-rt.jar;preload,nativewindow.all.jar;preload,newt.all.jar;preload"