Before going any further, I want to say thank you for the repeated help. You're amazing.
I am still getting the error. It seems most likely to occur if I am far away and move to the model quickly. You can find the sample code at this link: , but I imagine the problem lies somewhere in the code below. I have no idea what a DirectNioBuffersSet is or how to use it, so that's probably the source of the issue:
public static void initializeArdorSystem(final DrawContext dc) {
if (ContextManager.getContextForKey("HACKED CONTEXT") != null) {
RenderContext rc = ContextManager.switchContext("HACKED CONTEXT");
Logging.logger().info("ARDOR INITIALIZER -->> initializeArdorSystem");
DirectNioBuffersSet dnbs = new DirectNioBuffersSet();
final JoglContextCapabilities caps = new JoglContextCapabilities(dc.getGL(), dnbs);
final JoglRenderContext rc = new JoglRenderContext(dc.getGLContext(), caps, dnbs);
ContextManager.addContext("HACKED CONTEXT", rc);
ContextManager.switchContext("HACKED CONTEXT");
Camera cam = new Camera() {
public FrustumIntersect contains(BoundingVolume bound) {
return FrustumIntersect.Inside;