Multithreaded drawing in multiple PBuffers

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Multithreaded drawing in multiple PBuffers



I have a problem creating a highly parallel drawing application. It attempts to draw on multiple PBuffers using multiple contexts in separate threads, one each. Specifically:

I have created eight GLPbuffers and obtained a separate GLContext for each of them.

I have eight threads, each is given a context to draw with, into the separate GLPbuffers.

But... some of the drawing works (the first three or four GLPbuffers are drawn correctly, but the remainder are blank (all zero data), as if no drawing had occurred. There are no errors from glGetError, no exceptions, no context locking problems.....

If I make it single threaded, or if I synchronize on almost any global object, everything works fine (just slooowww). I have traced the code in various ways, all the drawing code is being executed, using the correct contexts. The problem lies in the JOGL/OpenGL code, I am certain - and I am *very* familiar with conventional multi-threading issues. Identical code (but drawing with Java2D instead) works fine under heavy load.

Result: the Java2D code is out-performing the JOGL code by a factor of eight. The JOGL gives a nicer result - per-vertex shading etc. which is my only reason to use it.

Question: Is there a trick to allowing simultaneous independent drawing on separate GLPBuffers with separate GLContexts, or is it simply not supported?

Thanks for your help,

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Re: Multithreaded drawing in multiple PBuffers

Sven Gothel
On 11/15/2012 07:01 PM, Mi5ke [via jogamp] wrote:

> Hi,
> *Context*:
> I have a problem creating a highly parallel drawing application. It attempts
> to draw on multiple PBuffers using multiple contexts in separate threads, one
> each. Specifically:
> I have created eight GLPbuffers and obtained a separate GLContext for each of
> them.
> I have eight threads, each is given a context to draw with, into the separate
> GLPbuffers.
> But... some of the drawing works (the first three or four GLPbuffers are drawn
> correctly, but the remainder are blank (all zero data), as if no drawing had
> occurred. There are no errors from glGetError, no exceptions, no context
> locking problems.....
> If I make it single threaded, or if I synchronize on almost any global object,
> everything works fine (just slooowww). I have traced the code in various ways,
> all the drawing code is being executed, using the correct contexts. The
> problem lies in the JOGL/OpenGL code, I am certain - and I am *very* familiar
> with conventional multi-threading issues. Identical code (but drawing with
> Java2D instead) works fine under heavy load.
> *Result*: the Java2D code is out-performing the JOGL code by a factor of
> eight. The JOGL gives a nicer result - per-vertex shading etc. which is my
> only reason to use it.
> *Question*: Is there a trick to allowing simultaneous independent drawing on
> separate GLPBuffers with separate GLContexts, or is it simply not supported?
> Thanks for your help,
Pls provide your unit test / demo.

You may also looks at Test*Concurrent* and TestFBOOffThreadSharedContextMix2DemosES2NEWT
part of our JOGL unit tests.

The latter shows 2 FBO's being rendered independently and composed in an
onscreen GLAutoDrawable.

Note: The new GLPbuffer is an offscreen GLAutoDrawable using the GLCapabilities
      for selecting the offscreen mode. Instantiated via the factory as usual.


> Mi5ke

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