NVidia drivers v260.99 crash with Threaded Optimizations Auto.

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NVidia drivers v260.99 crash with Threaded Optimizations Auto.


I'm affected hard by a crash in NVidia Drivers v260.99 under Win7 64 bits for my applications.

This problem has been fixed in JOGL2 in this commit:

Unfortunately my apps are still using jogl-jsr-1.1.1.

I'd like to backport this aforementioned fix, but the problem is that the code changed in the version 2, with the use of the GLProfile.
I'm not sure exactly where to put the code in the 1 version. I know I should wrap the first GLContext.makeCurrent (since this is where it crashes), but that doesn't look easy to do.

Can someone help me with this?

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Re: NVidia drivers v260.99 crash with Threaded Optimizations Auto.


JOGL 2.0 contains a lot of fixes, backporting them one by one into JOGL 1.1.1a whereas this version is no more maintained is a bad idea. I understand your situation, my game still uses JOGL 1.1.1a too (but I ported several engines to JOGL 2). The biggest bugs of JOGL 2 have been successfully fixed and switching to JOGL 2 is a matter of hours or maybe several days. If your applications are very big, use Jackpot to perform this switch almost automatically. I really advise you to switch to JOGL 2.

If you need any help to port your apps, let me know, I will do my best to help you. Best regards.
Julien Gouesse | Personal blog | Website