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NetBeans code completion requiring source, but GL.java auto-generated?

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NetBeans code completion requiring source, but GL.java auto-generated?

I am trying out NetBeans as an IDE (tired of Eclipse being so slow), but I would like to get the JOGL javadoc integrated with code completion. It appears that NetBeans cannot resolve the proper parameter names even with javadoc attached to libraries (including the standard Java SE jars); I still get the method descriptions, but the params are labeled arg0, arg1, etc. If I attach the source code this is fixed, but I don't know what to do about the GL interfaces that are auto-generated. Does anyone use NetBeans or have an idea of how to get around this?
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Re: NetBeans code completion requiring source, but GL.java auto-generated?

Use the archive containing the source code provided with each build.
Julien Gouesse | Personal blog | Website
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Re: NetBeans code completion requiring source, but GL.java auto-generated?

Thanks gouessej. I didn't even notice there was a source zip in the main download, I was trying to use the archive/sources/ version.
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Re: NetBeans code completion requiring source, but GL.java auto-generated?

You're welcome. I don't notice such things too when I'm tired.
Julien Gouesse | Personal blog | Website