Actually, your test still uses JOGL 1. It's the kind of test that I expect for a bug report, just port it to JOGL 2, remove all useless things (GLUT, ...), call GLU.createGLU(GL) to create the GLU instance, remove the few classes of the Java3D API and we can include your test in ours so that it will be used as a non regression test later. JOGL 1 is obsolete and has remained unmaintained for about 5 years...
Interrupting the AWT EDT is an extremely bad idea but maybe there is something in the AWT GLCanvas that detects an interruption and does something unwanted.
Edit.: You can follow these instructions to report a bug: don't know if my post is clear. Your test is good, I just need something using JOGL 2 with no third party library and it will be usable.