Placing a NewtCanvasJFX within other JavaFX layout elements

6 messages Options
Placing a NewtCanvasJFX within other JavaFX layout elements – The NewtCanvasJFX canvas all seem to want to render from the origin the underlying window region. It does not seem to respect placements with a y...
Hello I rarely use OpenJFX, sorry. What you describe at the beginning seems to be a bug or at least a limitation.
I'd be happy to investigate more, file a bug, even dig in and help debug. There are a couple of places in the NEWT code that seem to have zero of...
Send me an email and I'll create a bugzilla account for you.
I created your bugzilla account, I received your emails but you don't seem to receive mine :s I sent you your login and your password in separate ...
Hi! New user here. Did you get any further with this? I'm having the exact same issue, except in my case the NewtCanvasJFX is in a StackPane, whic...