I've had what's maybe a bug in 1.5.2 and it's the same under 1.7. When I load OBJ files using the ObjectFile loader most of the materials don't load, so I'm missing colours. If I load the same OBJ file with MeshLab it's fine.
Has anyone else experienced this? mtl and obj files are in the same directory, it gets some colours so it must be reading it. Have tried with quite a few OBJ files from different sources.
Maybe try some other Java engines (JogAmp's Ardor3D Continuation, ...) or frameworks (LibGDX, ...) so that we have something to compare with what Java3D does.
This is a late reply but if it can help...
I suggest you to try the following :
Goto to Sourceforge Cliper project and download newobjectfile folder.
Then follow instructions in readme file.
You will get a package with modified code.
Please tell me the results.
I know that I have to learn GitHub if this code was to be merged in official package. I will, sure.
But in the mean time you can try that
Jf Pauly