Problems with HelloJOCL in ubuntu 11.10

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Problems with HelloJOCL in ubuntu 11.10

I could get this and other variations working on an Intel i7/ NVIDIA  Win machine but when I try it on a AMD/NVIDIA Ubuntu machine running 11.10 I cant get it to work. I am using netbeans and an openCL pack plugin same as in my windows machine.

but I get an error in
         InputStream vec = HelloJOCL.class.getResourceAsStream("");
            CLProgram program;
            // load sources, create and build program
            program = context.createProgram(vec);

or alternatively

                        // load sources, create and build program
            CLProgram program
                    = context


and I get the following error

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException at<init>( at<init>( at com.jogamp.opencl.CLContext.createProgram( at HelloJOCL.main(

but when I run openCL properties I get both of my platforms and
if I list all the devices it runs fine.
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Re: Problems with HelloJOCL in ubuntu 11.10

looks like it can't open the resource, which doesn't make sense.   although if you're using netbeans, since it uses ant, you need to use 'clean and build' before it includes any resources (yay for ant).

Most problems on gnu/linux are related to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH and either not finding, or not finding - but i would have thought these would show up differently.
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Re: Problems with HelloJOCL in ubuntu 11.10

Yes it cant seem to get the input stream due to ant and if I run the jar in the same directory as then I get a invalidprogramexecutable error.
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Re: Problems with HelloJOCL in ubuntu 11.10

Sven Gothel
In reply to this post by jj93
On 01/11/2012 08:35 PM, jj93 [via jogamp] wrote:
> I could get this and other variations working on an Intel i7/ NVIDIA  Win
> machine but when I try it on a AMD/NVIDIA Ubuntu machine running 11.10 I cant
> get it to work. I am using netbeans and an openCL pack plugin same as in my
> windows machine.
> but I get an error in
>  [CODE]
>          InputStream vec = HelloJOCL.class.getResourceAsStream("");

You may try gluegen's IOUtil getResource(..) method.

For example:
  URLConnection conn =
     IOUtil.getResource(UbuntuFontLoader.class, relPath+fname);

the path can be relative to the class itself in it's location,
which may be within the JAR and/or classpath,
or it can be an absolute path.

This should help.


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Re: Problems with HelloJOCL in ubuntu 11.10

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I couldnt get IOUtil to work with it but I used the build from string just to get it going

resulting code

this runs on my optimus GPU laptop as an example of float addition.
Remember to change kernel into a float buffer one