Provide library sources jar in maven repository

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Provide library sources jar in maven repository

Hi everyone,

for my project using Java3D I followed the information posted here. So the libraries are retrieved from the maven repository

What I am missing are the sources, e.g. a sources.jar bundled together with the library. So that my IDE could also show the sources and the javadoc of the classes. In the repo I see a file java3d-core-1.7.1-sources.jar.lastUpdated, but it's not what I expect. I also can find a java3d-core-1.7.1-javadoc.jar there, but this is only the html javadoc.

So beside of a java3d-core-1.7.1.jar I expect to have a java3d-core-1.7.1-sources.jar. Same for the related libraries like vecmath, etc.

Example for 1.5.2 in our internal Nexus:

Is there a way to provide this in the repo?

Thanks in advance and thanks for your great work,
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Re: Provide library sources jar in maven repository

Thanks for spotting that.

The source creation step in the pom.xml was in the wrong section and wasn't being run.

Fixed and uploaded now, please run re sync the project now and the source will be there.

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Re: Provide library sources jar in maven repository

Thanks Phil for the quick fix!

Now the sources are here, works fine for me.