Is there a proper way to shut down Java3D before calling System.exit()?
When I call System.exit() I get the following exception so it makes me think perhaps I need to shutdown Java3D before calling System.exit(): com.jogamp.opengl.GLException: Error making context 0x40000 current on Thread J3D-Renderer-1, drawableWrite 0x2f011187, drawableRead 0x2f011187, werr: 0, WindowsWGLContext [Version 4.6 (Compat profile, arb, compat[ES2, ES3, ES31, ES32], FBO, hardware) - 4.6.0 NVIDIA 432.00 [GL 4.6.0, vendor 432.0.0 (NVIDIA 432.00)], options 0x7c03, this 0x6a3a1c, handle 0x40000, isShared false, jogamp.opengl.gl4.GL4bcImpl@146cb8a, quirks: [NoDoubleBufferedBitmap, NoSurfacelessCtx], Drawable: ResizeableImpl[Initialized true, realized true, texUnit 0, samples 8, Factory, Handle 0x2f011187, Caps GLCaps[wgl vid 9 arb: rgba 8/8/8/8, opaque, accum-rgba 16/16/16/16, dp/st/ms 24/0/8, sample-ext default, dbl, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL4bc/GL4bc.hw], offscr[fbo]], fboI back 0, front 0, num 1, FBO front read 2, FBO[name r/w 2/2, init true, bound true, size 894x862, samples 0/32, modified false/false, depth RenderAttachment[type DEPTH, format 0x81a6, samples 0, 894x862, name 0x3, obj 0x1c1bf4], stencil null, colorbuffer attachments: 1/8, with 1 textures: [TextureAttachment[type COLOR_TEXTURE, target GL_TEXTURE_2D, level 0, format 0x8058, 894x862, border 0, dataFormat 0x80e1, dataType 0x8367; min/mag 0x2600/0x2600, wrap S/T 0x812f/0x812f; name 0x1, obj 0x1eaac1], null, null, null, null, null, null, null], msaa[null, hasSink false, dirty true], state OK, obj 0x1b7e760], FBO back write 1, FBO[name r/w 1/2, init true, bound true, size 894x862, samples 8/32, modified false/false, depth RenderAttachment[type DEPTH, format 0x81a6, samples 8, 894x862, name 0x2, obj 0x11592af], stencil null, colorbuffer attachments: 1/8, with 0 textures: [ColorAttachment[type COLOR, format 0x8058, samples 8, 894x862, name 0x1, obj 0x586647], null, null, null, null, null, null, null], msaa[TextureAttachment[type COLOR_TEXTURE, target GL_TEXTURE_2D, level 0, format 0x8058, 894x862, border 0, dataFormat 0x80e1, dataType 0x8367; min/mag 0x2600/0x2600, wrap S/T 0x812f/0x812f; name 0x1, obj 0x1eaac1], hasSink true, dirty true], state OK, obj 0x1f2f4c2], Surface GDISurface[ displayHandle 0x0 , surfaceHandle 0x2f011187 , size 894x862 , UOB[ OWNS_SURFACE | OWNS_DEVICE | WINDOW_INVISIBLE ] , WindowsWGLGraphicsConfiguration[DefaultGraphicsScreen[WindowsGraphicsDevice[type .windows, connection decon, unitID 0, handle 0x0, owner false, NullToolkitLock[obj 0xa5ad8b]], idx 0], pfdID 9, ARB-Choosen true, requested GLCaps[rgba 8/8/8/8, opaque, accum-rgba 16/16/16/16, dp/st/ms 24/0/8, sample-ext default, dbl, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL4bc/GL4bc.hw], offscr[fbo]], chosen GLCaps[wgl vid 9 arb: rgba 8/8/8/8, opaque, accum-rgba 16/16/16/16, dp/st/ms 24/0/8, sample-ext default, dbl, mono , hw, GLProfile[GL4bc/GL4bc.hw], offscr[fbo]]] , surfaceLock <5b9ba3, 107e6b8>[count 2, qsz 0, owner <J3D-Renderer-1>] , GDIDummyUpstreamSurfaceHook[pixel 894x862] , upstreamSurface false ]]] at at jogamp.opengl.GLContextImpl.makeCurrentWithinLock( at jogamp.opengl.GLContextImpl.makeCurrent( at jogamp.opengl.GLContextImpl.makeCurrent( at org.jogamp.java3d.JoglPipeline.useCtx( at org.jogamp.java3d.Canvas3D.useCtx( at org.jogamp.java3d.Canvas3D.makeCtxCurrent( at org.jogamp.java3d.Canvas3D.makeCtxCurrent( at org.jogamp.java3d.Renderer.doWork( at
Saeid Nourian, Ph.D. Eng. | Graphing Calculator 3D
During a regular life cycle the Java3D system is cleanly tidied up at the end of it's life by the AWT system calling the Canvas3D.removeNotify(); This is an overridden method of Canvas which shuts down the 3d renderer system nicely. removeNotify() is a blocking call so if you are shutting down in a hard manner where the length of time you have to clean up may be short and you need a non-blocking call that will tidy up somewhat, then you can call Canvas3D.stopRenderer(); which will tell the 3d Renderer thread to shut down but won't block the calling thread. Note there is also SimpleUniverse.cleanup(); Which will release some memory, but is not useful during a forced shutdown. I hope this helps. Phil. |
Beautiful, "Canvas3D.removeNotify()" did the trick. Thank you.
I'm calling it from Javafx thread instead of AWT thread. But it seem to work fine regardless.
Saeid Nourian, Ph.D. Eng. | Graphing Calculator 3D
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