I'm getting a X11Util.Display: Shutdown message on Ubuntu 20.04, running llvmpipe (LLVM 12.0.0, 256 bits; Mesa 21.0.3), when my Java 3D code exits:
X11Util.Display: Shutdown (JVM shutdown: true, open (no close attempt): 1/1, reusable (open, marked uncloseable): 2, pending (open in creation order): 3)
X11Util: Open X11 Display Connections: 1
X11Util: Open[0]: NamedX11Display[localhost:10.0, 0x7fe1a4006500, refCount 1, unCloseable true]
I had a look at the 2013 thread about this, and the JOGL 705 bug, for ideas, but I wasn't able to get the message to go away.
I'm placing my Canvas3D object inside a GLJPanel that's inside a JFrame. At initialization time, I call
X11Util.markAllDisplaysUnclosable(); and at termination time I have the following windowClosing() method
public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e)
// System.out.println("Closing");
GraphicsDevice gDevice = GraphicsEnvironment.
// System.out.println("GraphicsDevice: " + gDevice);
if (gDevice.toString().contains("X11")) {
// long displayHandle = panel.getHandle();
NativeSurface surface = panel.getNativeSurface();
long displayHandle = surface.getDisplayHandle();
X11GraphicsDevice x11Device = new X11GraphicsDevice(
AbstractGraphicsDevice.DEFAULT_UNIT, true);
// x11Device.close(); // this causes a thread-related crash
The commented out stuff is a reflection of various things I've tried :)
frame is my JFrame object; panel is the GLJPanel.