Stencil buffer problem

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Stencil buffer problem

Dear all,

I am trying to use the stencil buffer for the first time,
and my test is not really succesfull so far...

Here is the code I've been added in my "init" function.  I am working in Java with JOGL, but I don't think that this is the issue.
After this code, I would expect that nothing can be drawn on my screen..., since:
1) I clear the buffer with "1"
2) I use the glStencilFunc with GL_NEVER.

gl.glStencilFunc(GL2.GL_NEVER, 0x1, 0x1);    
gl.glStencilOp(GL2.GL_KEEP, GL2.GL_KEEP, GL2.GL_KEEP);

Unfortunately, I can change whatever I want to the stencil function,
I always have all my objects being displaied on screen.
What am I missing ?

Thanks for help,
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Re: Stencil buffer problem


There is a working example in this tutorial (in C), the source code is in the bottom of the page:

This one uses JOGL 1 but it should be easy to port it to JOGL 2:
Julien Gouesse | Personal blog | Website
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Re: Stencil buffer problem

never mind,
it seems that the problem is due to the fact that I can not create a canvas with simultaniously the Stencil buffer and the Stereo (Quard) Buffers
If I disable the Stereo flag, it works fine