I'm getting a weird effect in my scene having red lines that I didn't put in the scene. These appear/disappear as I rotate my scene object. The scene object can also have parts of it missing.
If I place my scene object around the origin (0,0,0) I don't get these effects but if I place it where it should be placed (ie; large x, y values: x=182148, y= 7618202; z=851.1068) then these effects start to appear.
See the 2nd image in which an area of triangles vanish at a particular rotation.
It's as if a clipping plane is interferring with the scene object.
Has anyone else experienced this problem and know of a solution?

If I translate the object to (0,0,0) then the red lines disappear but if translate the object forward it starts to vanish:

I worked out that the vanishing object is due to the far frustum plane not being set. When this is set via:
camera.setFrustumPerspective(45.0, 1.6, 1.0, 1e08); // fov, aspect, near, far
it resolves the hidden surface.
However, I'm still getting red lines appear that are not part of the scene objects?